Why is everyone hopeless now?

Has anyone else noticed that literally nobody has any hope for the future anymore, regardless of political persuasion or whatever?

For right-leaning people the future is
>clown world
>demographic replacement
>collapse of traditional morals and values
>global conspiracies
>"you will eat the bugs, you will live in the pod"

For left-leaning people the future is
>late stage capitalism
>the rich get richer, the poor get poorer
>climate change getting worse and worse
>looming wars with russia, china
>complete and total lack of any class consciousness

And the thing is, both of them are right. All of these things are happening one way or another and all are making our lives worse.

It didn't used to be this way, did it? People used to be relatively optimistic and had hope about the future. But now, it's like everyone's given up. Even normies who don't give a shit about politics or global events know how fucked up things are and seem more jaded than usual.

Like if you go back to 2012, most people were optimistic and hopeful about the future. They were excited to see what the 2020s would be like. But in 2022, everyone's just dreading what comes next, everyone's fearful for what the rest of the 2020s and 2030s has in store.

Attached: 1643216050601.png (640x320, 111.5K)

its because we are heading into another recession. adults who have real jobs and make money are concerned about this. you probably dont have too much to worry about kiddo

Everyone who? 4autisits?

>its because we are heading into another recession
bullshit, this doom talk was as prominent when he economy was booming.

>And the thing is, both of them are right.
no user,
you and both of them are just edgelord contrarians looking for a reason to start drama and be made at something.

the gdp was negative percent in the second quarter of 2022. That is the literal definition of a recession. Go back to bed and catch an hour of sleep before the bus takes you to school

There is nothing left to accomplish

yes and yes and when it was going up, the exact same things were being said,
clearly you guys are not connected to reality, you just want to be angry at something to fufill some sort of dopamine rush.,

Its basically over. We lost everything.

Recession is defined by two consecutive quarters of negative gdp smoothbrain.

Microplastics alone pretty much guarantee we are all fucked no matter what happens. People are hopeless simply because there is literally nothing to be hopeful about regardless of what retarded political identity you paint yourself with.

no you are seriously retarded and a child and I am not going to argue with you when you are 100% incorrect.

OP asked why people are glum lately and the reason is because of financial turmoil across the board aka coming recession on a possible global scale

That was the first and second quarter of this year you infant no money

>catch an hour of sleep before the bus takes you to school
this sentence chilled my bones and I haven't been to school in 5 years

Literally everyone.

Even normalfags I speak to now are depressed and hopeless about the world. They speak openly about not wanting to have children because they feel there will be no future for them. They share memes about the whole world is doomed and WW3 and climate apocalypse will be coming. This is what ordinary, basic, normalfags are thinking right now. These are the people who 10 years ago didn't care about the state of the world and just enjoyed partying and living freely, now they're blackpilled and feel doom about the future of humanity.

But I just want to know how the fuck did this all happen?

Like, go back 10 years ago. Go back to 2012 and remember how people felt back then. We were happy, we were optimistic, there was a bright and lighthearted mood about the world, in most western countries at least. Normalfags were normalfags still, unconcerned with politics and global affairs. People were excited about the future and how technology could open up new and interesting frontiers for humanity. The 2008 recession was fading away and the economy looked on the up. Things were good.

Just what the fuck happened between 2012 and 2022 that doomed humanity completely and made everybody lose hope? What went wrong?

Attached: 2012.jpg (1200x759, 102.28K)

Money printer go brrrrrrrr is unironically the root cause of almost every problem.

Jews legalizing propaganda and social media

We had social media 10 years ago and yet it wasn't anywhere near this bad.

People at large ignored the problems because the problems did not seem that bad then. Now the problems have become so great there is no possible way to ignore them. Pretty much every major disaster and other downfall in history came solely from this pattern, people are reactive and will wait until the last damn minute to bother putting the fire out right as the flames start tickling their noses.
That shit was around longer than you have been alive user, case in point the USS Maine incident. Nothing you see today is anything new that has not been plaguing everyone on this planet for thousands of years.

Boomers have made many bad decisions. Nobody has yet wrestled the steering wheel from them. But they have been parasites on their nation and their children.

Zoomers are worse, they don't even behave like normal human beings. When zoomers inherit political and corporate positions of power across the globe, it's literally over for humanity.

When I think back on when and how things went wrong, my mind keeps going back to how 2012 failed to activate the internet into a facility for change.
Back in 2008, Any Forums had organized the Scientology protests. It was an easy case to make: "Hey guys let's all step outside at the same time." For the lulz. We organized, and on both the left and right sides of the political spectrum, we protested.
Corporations took notice of the Internet activating as a facility for enforcing rights, and began a scheme of division. Slowly at first but now in such a volume that it cannot be ignored, they began a propaganda campaign to divide people into cultural tribalism of politics.

When the next major internet-based protests came around, they were stamped out quickly.

There has been a series of political decisions that have been robbing younger generations to prop up and enrich the old.

Basically the entire world has been engaging in crab bucket mentality and now we're finally dealing with it. Erosion of personal freedoms, stripping away social programs and regulations that benefit young people and protect consumers, verifiable ROI on wokeness that businesses are engaging in, ignoring obvious environmental and pollution issues, constant morality propaganda to increase political funding for career politicians, increased corruption in all levels of government, unchecked pharmaceutical and insurance profits, the list goes on and on.

Future generations are now expected to do worse than the prior, average life expectancy is decreasing in many countries despite advances in modern medicine and nutrition, obesity at all time highs, mental health disorders, suicide, and auto immune issues all on the rise. We're fucked.