Has anyone told you they loved you?

has anyone told you they loved you?

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No, never in my life. Other people have said "so and so loved you", but nobody ever said the phrasing in that exact way.

Yeah and I literally couldn't believe her.

my momma

my chinese girlfriend says i'm very lovable, very cute and handsome...

When I was 15 I met a girl at youth group. i told her I was feeling upset and loenly, she felt the soem. We texted back and forth every day, one time I called her on the phone at night and we talked all night long because she didn't go back to sleep. I told her over text that I wanted to kill my self, she said "I love you, okay?". And all of a sudden everything was okay. Then she got a boyfriend and ghosted me. So yeah.

Aside from my parents? No, and its more like an obligation 'i love you' from them too. Cannot imagine what i'd do if i ever did find myself in a position where someone said that to me though, probably be like this user and try and act like shes fucking with me or something

Yes your mom tells me all that time

Only ironically

i never understood the casual ones people drop in their farewells

yeah (she got creampied for a year straight by some other nigga before getting together with me)

as a friend

I haven't even received a compliment in my life, let alone physical affection or "love"

>Then she got a boyfriend and ghosted me. So yeah.
>welp, back to kms again

My mommy loves me, she tells me all the time.

Nobody but my mom unfortunately

Yes, plenty of people, including romantic partners. I had this one spergy girl who told me it and she was like, "I love you. Oops, darnit. I wasn't supposed to say that yet. Ugu~~" I just stonewalled her and didn't acknowledge it, much less tell her the feelings were mutual (they weren't). It's funny to watch a woman degrade herself like this.

Sometimes they'll try to sneak it in as well to test the waters.
>telling a girl about something my sister did
>she says, "Ha, I love your sister. And I love you."

I scoff at something many of you have never had and would kill for. But yes, I have a girlfriend and we are in a loving relationship. We say we love each other dozens of times each day.

My mom sometimes, but that doesn't count.

My GF told me she loved me recently for the first time and I didn't know how to process it. After going so long without any sort of affection I had zero frame of reference when she said it.

I told her I loved her back and she got all excited and giggly. Was pretty nice desu

had 2 girls tell me that, yeah

a hooker once told me 'im in love'
fucked with my head for a couple days, she was very pretty

and some girl online, which meant a lot

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