Why are drugs illegal?

Why are drugs illegal?

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not all of them are illegal

ill give you a hint, its called the war on drugs for a reason

I don't know. If somebody wants to get really high and kill their brain, why not let them? It's their body and their choice. As long as they aren't hurting anybody, who cares? All drugs should be legal.

They're incredibly damaging to the family of the drug user. Especially children.

multiple reasons
a rival industry had to stamp out an alternative
political chesspieces - argue about prohibition while ignoring other things
allows for another avenue of skullduggery from glowies - blackmail, blackmarket trade to cause political unrest in other countries
fresh supply to prison industrial complex

Only certain drugs are illegal. Anyway the answer to your question is because people are retarded, same reason why alcohol and cigs are legal while shit like shrooms or weed aren't despite being infinitely less harmful.

there's just as many alcoholic fuck up parents as junkies. you a fan of prohibition?

>Why are drugs illegal?
the entire point is to give the cops an excuse to arrest and spy on more people. there's no other legitimate reason. anyone that tells you otherwise is retarded or a liar

>there's just as many alcoholics
There are more
>are you a fan of prohibition

Because cucks are afraid of sex

Because retards take too much. Spoils it for everyone else.

Can't extract labor from a junkie

to arrest black (and the poor) people to make money in the prison system.

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They just became all legal in Canada.

But yeah, the rest of the world should get liberty.

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Because they're degenerate.

Prohibition doesn't work, though. So really, you're in favor of gun violence and organized crime.

>overdose on heroin
>someone calls an ambulance
>they treat you at the hospital
>can't pay for any of this because you spent all your money on heroin
>grandma has a heart attack
>they can't help her because the ambulance and doctors were too busy "saving" a junkie
>can't afford any more heroin
>break into someone's house and steal their valuables
>kill somebody on the street and take their wallet
>rob a store
>police arrive and kill you in front of a five year old

>muh degenerancy
you know were you are? faggot?

easy. make drugs legal, cheap, and readily available.
when you buy your drugs for the first time, you sign a waiver that you are a drug user and will no longer be eligible for emergency services.

This happens while it's illegal, and the high price is caused solely by it being illegal

Retards will say it's because drugs like totally open your eyes and like the man just doesn't want the people to be enlightened and shit. Being a retard myself I would say it's because of corporate interests like uhhh big pharma and stuff. Power and greed reign supreme.

>no longer eligible for emergency services
That's like saying you have to get your tubes tied before you get an abortion. Why would you follow this rule if you can just do it illegally without the permanent disability
Not to mention 9/10 drugs just aren't acutely lethal in any way

Woah. Someone might have died because of my overdose? Is this one of those like, hypotheticals? So like, total fantasy? I should feel really bad now man.

Anything that isn't necessary and has a good chance to make the slaves unable to work is made illegal sooner or later. Alcohol would be too, but it's what lets many of them forget about their shitty lives for an evening so they can show up to work the next morning and it takes so long to kill them off that they'd be about to retire anyway by the time it happens. But crack or heroin render you unable to work or kill you in a matter of years. Can't have that, terrible ROI on public education.

>Can't extract labor from a junkie
that's wrong though. first, a lot of people who do drugs are employed. and second, when they arrest them they're sent to forced labor camps