Bu hu hu! Cry more, nigga!

Bu hu hu! Cry more, nigga!

(And of course the person who posted it is a tranny furfag)

Attached: FXb3kg_VsAAUwls.jpg (1920x1952, 277.03K)

God I remember the 2013 Era of introvert info graphics, teaching you to treat spergs like zoo animals
Don't approach, keep distance, don't do smalltalk, only do what the introvert author wants for as long as they want, then thank them and appreciate them for tolerating your existence.
What else then, will you kiss their soles too?

You should also give me money and suck my cock neuronormalfag

Should I send this to all of my e-friends
They're so mean to me sometimes and it reminds me of my dad

You missed your chance to treat us like humans when we were young and desperately needed it. Now you've gotta deal with the outcasts who hate your guts more than our own minds.

Would be very careful if I were you. There is increasing talk about wanting to classify all introversion as a mental disorder. This isn't in just some scientific journals and fringe publications nobody reads. I've heard normal people openly say this, and some mainstream news publications are already saying extreme cases should be considered a mental disorder. It's not long until they make the jump since they're always a little behind by nature.

Extroverts ruin everything, don't you fuckers? Even your fellow normies can't stand you.

I'm not an extrovert: I have merely stated an uncomfortable fact. Just someone who can provide and early warning for my fellow auitsts.

>citizen no. 4294BG, we are very concerned with you, you seem to have failed to post any images on Instagram in the past month
>As a part of our community's efforts for mental health, the council had authorized me to confine you to socialization therapy at the closest mental health facility
>you may not resist

You kid, but it's already like this at some workplaces and universities. Basically learn to mask and mask well since your life literally depends on it now.

I have been mentally abused by paramilitary forces in the field

I don't understand. I have this personality but I came from a loving family and was never abused. Are some people just born like this?

This is a surefire way to mass produce school-shooters. Unless of course that's the point, at least to some news outlets and politicians, so they can say: Give us your guns.

Attached: thinking-emoji.gif (498x498, 769.78K)

That's what the incredibly invasive threat assessment programs and constant police harassment are for. Once they mark you as disposable, they can do whatever they want, because who in the right mind is going to defend you? Think about it: autistic faggots are the perfect scapegoats since they
>can't effectively defend themselves (physically or in court)
>are easily bullied/sensory overloaded into self-incriminating
>have massive autism collections full of spicy paraphernalia that look really bad out of context
>few friends that will defend them
>lots of enemies that will gladly help with assfucking them

Basically low risk for a very high impact headline to justify next year's funding.

Knowing the unscrupulous practices of the United States government, UK + Australian parliament, and beyond - this would be 100% the end game. Steel yourself for the worst case scenario.

thanks for this user, was aware of this but now its time to maskharder.

tell us more.

There's not much more to say. I mean this is all shit you should have learned back in high school, both in government/US history class or through interacting with your classmates.

If these practices are so secret, why do autists online know all about them?

Ask yourself this: why would they care if some random autist from bumfuck nowhere cared or knew what they were up to when they hold all the cards, the black helicopters, the seemingly infinite amounts of money, the high-priced lawyers, all the firepower in the world in the form of the CIA, MI5, Mossad, and so on.

you sound like a disillusioned 3L agent, share more.

It already happened to plenty of random nerds back in 2018 just after parkland when they followed up on every little tip "just in case". They weren't trying to figure out who's a shooter and who's not either. They were literally trying to get their victims to violate technicalities in the interrogation if there was nothing else just to have someone to drag in and book for the PR; that said I'm not aware of anyone innocent who fell for it and got arrested, probably because of autism-enhanced logical skills. Lots of careers have never recovered. I'm expecting another wave from the 2 high profile, double digit casualty count mass shootings this year, but I haven't read any accounts of recent glowings. Maybe this is a sign they're being more selective with who they fuck over, not simply the general population.