Is it normal for guys to call you their girlfriend even before you establish anything?

Is it normal for guys to call you their girlfriend even before you establish anything?

I saw that thread on /soc/ before it was deleted. But it had me thinking, because I think my sister might be in the same situation, i.e.: the guy said they were boyfriend-and-girlfriend all of a sudden, but they started dating anyway. I just thought it was a Chad thing to do at first, but now that I think about it she doesn't exactly seem as happy as before either. And she doesn't talk about him as much as her other boyfriends. In fact, she doesn't seem like she's entirely present in her mind anymore. But I thought it was just one of those disaffected zoomer things (even though she was usually chirpier before). Maybe I reading too much into this, and it's not as bad as it seems? She's still technically adult, after all. And the only one who gets to decide anything related to this. But still, this is a weird way to court a girl, isn't it?

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your not
that is weird, although not uncommon

we gotta establish it quick so she dont pick another guy

who knows, op. nothing lasts anymore. everything is just random and temporary.

Should I be concerned? Common or not, it still seems a little fucked up.

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Why do you care? U aren't even a real woman.

>have family
>not caring about them
do men really?

Incels generally don't grow up with families that care about them. So of course it would be incomprehensible to them.

I'm an incel (as in involuntarily celibate) and I have a great relationship with my family

Not the same thing, user. As inceldom means male supremacism these days, not involuntary celibate. And personal experiences aren't valid evidence (in fact, they're evidence against themselves). Then again, it's not uncommon for victims of abuse/neglect to think that's healthy, while simultaneously seeing other forms as unhealthy in turn.

oh. Well then what words should I use? I'm not mysognistic or an anything supremacist. I'm just a shy, too sensitive and socially anxious guy

yea it is fucked.
she will (probably) be fine in the long run though, just a bad experience
i would still try and be involved with her, and snoop on the guy a bit as it is a red flag.
i would say be on guard but not concerned.

>just a bad experience
Like what? I think I know, but worriment can't set in because of this.

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I'm kind of in a similar boat with a friend of mine (no, you incels; she's literally just a friend). She began seeing this friend of hers who suddenly started calling her his gf, even though she explicitly said she didn't want to call him her bf. But she went out of town with him one weekend, and went mostly MIA after that. She barely responds to text messages now, and they're pitifully short (vs. the walls of text she used to send). She stopped coming to our usual hangouts in the last couple months, and other friends haven't heard much from her either. Hardly any of our friends know what's going on with her, and not only do I ask only to be told they don't know, but I've had others ask ME where she went, only for me to give the same answers. And her social media activity has whittled down to once a week, despite being a daily user prior to this. And most damning of all was her mood changes for at least a month leading up to her bf thing. She started appearing more depressed, irritable, and like she was locked in her headspace. And prior to that, she was one of the friendliest, most enthusiastic people in our friend group. I'm really worried. :(

like him being clingy and controlling
i doubt she will get *hurt* though. i mean she might but i wouldn't jump to that. he will most likely just be shitty.
if she's smart and has a spine she will cut him off.
still id watch the fucker

>guy call you gf before you establish anything
lmao if you are establishing anything you are in a relationship with a beta cuck. The guy should be leading the relationship and saying "Lets make it official" when he knows the time is right. And if you say "no thanks" then it's over anyways and he'd move on right away.

>my sister talks about old boyfriends blah blah
this is cause her current boyfriend is a dicklet or something and she isn't being satisfied. period.

>(no, you incels; she's literally just a friend)
bullshit. also
>you must be 18 to post here
your crush got fucked on the field trip and now she feels bad about it. maybe she was drunk. either way nothing you can do but get over your self. or maybe she just doesn't want to see her friends because she got sick of her "friends". i would bet both. either way fuck off

Guys getting into their first relationships are sometimes naive and think the girl is only seeing or talking to them.

this. got her pussy crushed in by chad and still can't walk straight so she's in recovery out of sight.

its something guys do to try and rope girls in to the point where instead of just being able to see other people theyre forced to have to 'break up' despite the girl not consenting to have anything established
and girls are scared of break ups and confronting thats why so many of them cheat

Yeah, she's definitely being abused and isolated from her friends. Op's sister could also be in abusive relationship, but way lighter than this.

Men and women can be friends, user.

>or maybe she just doesn't want to see her friends because she got sick of her "friends".
No one does this.

sounds like a possessive relationship at the very least, and definitely won't end well.