Embrace autism

Are you a special boy user?
Do loud noises make you upset?
Do you overthink the posture of people infront of you and how you can best reciprocate by adjusting your arms?
Do you switch to manual breathing mode and overthink your own thoughts?
Do you dislike other people touching you and high pitched noises at non regular intervals?

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>Do you dislike high pitched noises at non regular intervals?
who the fuck doesn't, are you retarded?

I notice things sometimes and lack tact when I do

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yeah that was a bit of a stretch, but you're still autistic

>Kobeni spammer makes yet another terible thread

how come everyone who posts the loser from chainsaw man is a retarded tranny?

I do what I can, I need to go out more

I'm trying to find the green text of an autistic user ordering food, and the waitress being super helpful and patient with him

I hate having autism and feeling like an alien in social situations...or in general desu. I feel so retarded and useless.

The sound/feel of Styrofoam incapacitates me. Egg cartons are the worst.
Also, I didn't know Styrofoam was one of those brand names that became a regular word. Thanks, autocorrect.

look it up and post it user
nah, you just have sage stats. You maxxed out introspection and perception but sacrificed charisma and dexterity
I'm not autistic but I hate the feeling of wood popsicles scraping against my teeth and the feeling you get when you suck on them to get the last bit of icecream

Thanks, that's kind of you to say that. I guess I am quite good at SOME things, like history, flags, geography, and crosswords. Also have been trying to learn to code in recent years and it's going OK. But having low charisma is a HUGE negative, since humans are innately social creatures, and being able to do well in social situations is basically the equivalent of a giraffe with a long neck so it can reach the fruit on the tree. Short necked giraffes die off because they don't excel at what they need to...that's me and other social failures.

I've been so autistic today, someone commented that it had gotten dark and I started lecturing them on what time of the day the sun sets, which obviously wasn't what they were interested in talking about, and also, they obviously knew. That wasn't the only thing either.
And they said I didn't seem different from usual, so that has to mean I'm that autistic all the time!

Sound makes me want to scream. I hate how loud everyone is. So everyone just thinks I'm autistic?

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Nah we're just the low sound batch of human test experiments this time around. So important they had youtube and our phones warn us when the sound was too high


>nah, you just have sage stats. You maxxed out introspection and perception but sacrificed charisma and dexterity
Do you really think that this is all autism is, you fucking FAGGOT?

Nah user, they die off because they can't keep up with changes in their environment. Just keep enjoying life and doing what feels right, you can be a very happy short necked giraffe and that's all that matters.
Euro countries tend to have a better concept of personal space and inside voice so maybe that would help you
>inb4 I'm euro
No but it's part of it

...Got me right in the feels user, I appreciate that reply a lot. I need to at least try to live well despite my shortcomings.

It's awful, isn't it. There's nowhere quiet anymore, except maybe deep in the wilderness. Everywhere outside is cars and trucks and dogs barking, everywhere inside is people talking loud and hitting ceramic plates with metal utensils while they eat.
I'm not autistic, I just have hyperacusis, but I get it, user. I really do. Pressing buttons on the microwave, phone calls, planes overhead, fucking everything. It's so tiresome.

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I want it all to stop so bad, kobenifriend.

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Grew up believing I had autism, have accepted it, it's sociopathy, no reason for an autist to be able to lie convincingly

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