Why havent you drawn anything yet anons? drawing is good for the soul

why havent you drawn anything yet anons? drawing is good for the soul

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I can barely function in life and have no energy for anything except waging and no desire for anything except sleeping

When I come back from work I have no energy to even watch something let alone draw shit.

>why havent you drawn anything yet anons?
I kind of have.

Attached: cock.png (1043x651, 277.09K)

sexy. nice line weight and overall gesture

i hate drawn so fkin much

Attached: Screenshot 2022-07-09 144422.jpg (432x501, 17.79K)

Thanks. I totally broke the spine on figure 1 but oh well

have any socials/bl0gs? also, was gonna say how u obliterated that spine but thats out of the question lol

snap out of reality and just draw. draw at work, draw in the bus, draw on a crackhead's forehead. Just draw everywhere bro

I just ordered a drawing tablet, I have little to no experience with digital art but I want to learn it

Watch Mikeymegamega

No blog desu. I'm just sketchmaxxing so I don't have anything worth posting on socials. I haven't rendered anything in literal months.

Attached: cock1.png (927x766, 283.03K)

everything i draw is disturbing and/or violent, even if i try to make it as normal as possible

I have a newborn right now so I haven't had any time or energy to draw something that isn't for my job.

I've seen his videos before, but I was drawing with a mouse so my results were... yeah
how did you know I want to draw hot anime women

do not watch mikey's videos, they don't tell you anything about the fundamentals
You'll just waste your time

because im untalented and hate the things i draw

Don't worry you'll turn 16 eventually

dude, you know pencils exist right?
you know the only benefit to drawing as a hobby is that its relatively inexpensive right?

Then get better

post your art in there bois