Why do they all cheat on me... is it even possible to find a loyal guy this day and age?

why do they all cheat on me... is it even possible to find a loyal guy this day and age?
ive been ruined for the 'next' guy.

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You ruined your pair-bonding ability. That is why they are not loyal. You are fucked. Shouldn't have been a whore.

guys that are slick in hitting on girls have a lot of practice

They're cheating on you because you're aging and they can do better. Soon enough, maybe a few more years, and you'll barely be able to be considered one night stand worthy.

Men you initially like are good at tricking women. Your attraction runs counter to finding a good man.

maybe you just have shit taste

so it's over? should I kill myself finally?

Maybe take a few years away from sex. Guys who watch a lot of porn ruin their ability to pairbond too but some start living without porn or fapping and they recover their ability to pairbond.

There's always forgiveness and acceptance through Jesus Christ.

i could save her

Probably because you are a whore so they treat you as such. Sad!

>is it even possible to find a loyal guy this day and age?
girl code translates to:
>is it even possible to find a loyal Mr. Perfect Chad this day and age?

You know who will never cheat on you? A straight male bottom. It's impossible to find women who really truly enjoy pegging that aren't just prostitutes doing it for money. Learn to peg, learn to do it well, learn to love doing it. When you find the right kind of man, he'll have no choice but to stay loyal to you forever because it'll be impossible for him to find any other woman with such interests or skills.

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Stop chasing Chad you dumb whore.

>thinking your only options are getting cock all day or killing yourself
I hate coomers so much it's unreal. Get actual hobbies and interests that aren't fingering yourself to depraved shit, and maybe you'll eventually be normal.

I think i'd be good at pegging since do barbell squats and weighted hip thrusts. where do i find loyal guys? where do i find the righ kind of man?
i'm not a coomer, i quit porn and mastrubation.

Uh, I'm not sure. I didn't think I was going to get a legitimate response that would elicit a reply back from myself. That's pretty hot that you do squats and thrusts though.
I guess I'd say look for the kind of guy who doesn't look like he'd be the one to ask you (or any other girl) out. Someone demure that needs the woman to take the lead in the relationship.
So you're not gonna find a guy like that at a bar or club type setting (unless he's quietly drinking alone in a corner lol). Look for him somewhere quiet and relaxed, like a library or museum, maybe a grocery store. Just keep your eyes open and be observant of the of men you see in those kinds of environments.

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that's really shit advice you know?? i'd think we both agree you are not a good advice giver but thanks for the reply.
>just keep your eyes open
>just be observant
>just go to the library, museum, grocery store

i think a pegging guy is more likely to be homosexual so he is more likely to be promiscious or hypersexual and cheats on you through hookups, that's just thinking in a statistical way.

it's not cheating if you agree to be in my harem
be in my harem

The fact that I'm here giving you shit advice is more your fault than my own. What do you expect when you come to a board full of virgins for relationship advice? LMAO
Good point though. You definitely don't want a guy who's willing to get fucked by other guys, they're very promiscuous and disease-ridden. It completely defeats the purpose of finding a guy who needs you to peg him, if he can just go get fucked by a stranger off grindr.

post your standards