If you'd been born a woman you could literally have sex with a decent or above looking guy within a hour if you wanted...

If you'd been born a woman you could literally have sex with a decent or above looking guy within a hour if you wanted, if that long. Women L I T E R A L L Y don't know what it's like to go without sex the minute they turn 14. They're fucking exactly as much as they want (and probably more when you account for all the sex they have solely for favors). They don't even have to masturbate, they can just get dick on demand to do it for them.
And the sad part is they don't even want sex as much as men do. They're fat cats being fed from buffet and barely picking at what they eat. How is this fair? Why do we tolerate this?

Attached: 1596500833565.png (1104x1133, 1.84M)

>How is this fair?
it isn't
>Why do we tolerate this?
because we're men and burdened to do so, that's the cost of being part of the gender that has souls.

I agree. We should organize a mass campaign to dethrone women and reassume patriarchy. We need to separate into groups:
>group 1 transitions into women/femboys and demands that they are treated as cis women
>group 2 rapes and beats Stacies on the street
>group 3 is composed of politics and revolutioners who fight for men rights
>group 4 consists of wageslaves who fund the movement
Et cetera. Offer your ideas.

Create male scarcity. But not through genocide or anything fucked up like that, but by making it to where 3 times more women are born.
We would simply alter a few genes so that 3 out of 4 times a woman will be born. Then once a lot more women are born, every man would have the pick of the litter.

>Why do we tolerate this?
Because I have better things to do than think about woms and their shenanigans

Attached: the truth about woms.jpg (1440x834, 502.47K)

>Why do we tolerate this?
Because you can't change human nature

We're just animals.
We were never created for having deeper thoughts than fuck, eat, sleep, repeat.
Do you think the beta wolf who never get's laid agonizes over his life as much as we do?

you can always be a woman.

As a guy that receives retarded amounts of attention from women, you're missing the point. It's actually pretty fucking annoying. Every few minutes, a message from another girl asking me to come do something. I just want to enjoy my free time and be productive for a moment. If I go out? Sexually harassed and assaulted. Every thing from them running their hands on my back, scratching my back while talking to me, trying to kiss my cheek, etc. It's an outright onslaught of attention that I really don't want. If the roles were reversed, I would've been arrested and thrown in the clink years ago. Trust me when I say, if you're upset about women receiving attention, you would have lost your mind and became an hero years ago if you received that same attention.

Just abort male fetuses for a few generations. Much easier. That's how China created its gender imbalance. That and infanticide

It is literally IMPOSSIBLE for women to be lonely for much the same reason. Which is why the concept of "fembots" is fucking laughable.

Haha this won't work. There will still be an abundance of third world shit breeding wild.
You have to ban uglies, fats and stupids from breeding all together first.
Rather than make a shortage of men create an abundance of test tube babies all female taken from the eggs of the hottest women on earth and random sperm donors raise millions of women by the state to be domestic servants to men and auctioned off as property with no rights.
When free cunts see these women are so much better and complain we tell them they are allowed to undergo training too.

Most women do not look like the one in op's image. It actually takes work to look like that and it doesn't last. You are complaining that women can have sex with a decent looking guy within an hour, guess what user YOU CAN TOO if you download grindr. If you want a girlfriend who loves you, it's even harder to get that if you're born a girl user.

Yep. Women and white men live on easy mode.

really, this would solve SO many problems. There being a 50/50 split among sexes is a cruel joke of evolution.

Way easier and more practical to just kill a bunch of males. A random bs war will do the trick. World history supports this

You're forget that you're a guy and so actually have interests outside of your social life. Women don't and their lives are empty outside of rtheir friend groups and fuckbuddies so none of the constant attention bothers them.

It's because men are meant to kill eachother for reproductive rights in the wild.
At the very least it would make sense for nations to only take female immigration and refugees.
There is no reason for a group to take in foreign males ever. Naturally foreign males should be fought off and killed while the women are kept.
Like wise during a typical invasion the invaders would kill the native males and take their women.
What we have is a controlled invasion of our homes. A ban on even talking about unifying our people. Protection of foreign males. Governments who take in absolute surplus of males.
This causes the exact opposite. A scarcity of females some percentage of native females lost to trying something exotic. The foreign females are kept protected in the homes. Native males find themselves without partners and the invading males just gangrape dumb girls who trust then.

>Women don't and their lives are empty outside of rtheir friend groups and fuckbuddies so none of the constant attention bothers them.
You've never actually spoke, interacted, hung out, or had any romantic / sexual encounters with women beyond your mother, have you? I can't even believe this needs to be said, but if you cannot understand that consistently being pestered by strangers isn't annoying for everyone then it's clear that you're the one that's being a nuisance. Be fucking normal, goddamn. What's wrong with everyone?

>I can't even believe this needs to be said, but if you cannot understand that consistently being pestered by strangers isn't annoying for everyone then it's clear that you're the one that's being a nuisance.
No, let's get specific here. Women are only bother being pester by UGLY strangers. If every man in the world was a 10/10 gigachad women would love catcalling and probably even groping.
And EVEN THEN you only need to look at those articles written by feminists who complained about catcalling lamenting that it doesn't happen to them anymore to see they don't even mind the attention from ugly guys. Male attention is a drug to women and they're all addicts no matter what they say.

That won't happen though. Enjoy being replaced and filtered out of the gene pool :)