Kek, what a chad

Kek, what a chad

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whats a slam buddy

your mom

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who the fuck is this
how does she have a slam buddy
why was she selling her own merch
why was wardlow there

What black men call Kevin Nash.


Wardlow is cool

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Kek what A Mark

>who the fuck is this
Impact wrestler
>how does she have a slam buddy
>why was she selling her own merch
indie wrestling and perhaps a meet & greet
>why was wardlow there
he made a special appearance at that one indie show

Wardlow should be saving his money

dont actually care bud

I’m glad you got your slam buddy, little girl

there is no way impact is making profit on specialized merch like that for their literal who wrestlers and 70 person average crowds

is impact literally just money laundering at this point? wtf

Oh okay then thanks for the bump fren


the thread is active right now, its getting pushed anyway. stupid dipshit

he has a title

>not being a cunt is a bad thing now

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Not sure why you're seething but I don't mind it cause it bumps the thread

why, he'll be main eventing wrestlemania in the next 3 years.

Unironically based

me replying isnt bumping the thread it's already on the top. nobody likes modern wrestling. nobody knows who this is and nobody cares.

Wardawg just did it to flirt with Lady Frost. Chads are chivalrous like that.

>gave it to that little girl
I bet he did

Why not? Buy like 20-50 of them for 3 bucks each and sell them for 30. May take a while to sell them but still