If you complain about being friendless people will find you whiny and annoying...

If you complain about being friendless people will find you whiny and annoying, if after many years you start feeling slighted and become angry people will hate you for it. If the prospect of a lonely life spent going to work, going back home, wasting some time on the internet and doing it all over again tomorrow makes you contemplate suicide and you tell people about it they will think you're an attention seeker. You just need to shut the fuck up and accept society deemed you unworthy of basic things like someone enjoying talking to you.

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>You just need to shut the fuck up and accept society deemed you unworthy of basic things like someone enjoying talking to you.
Agreed, but don't view it as you being "unworthy," it's just that one cannot comprehend how to act like a nornalfag.

I totally agree with this. No one loves sad, whiny people. They are just making everyone's life harder. You cannot help them they have to figure out "accepting society part". I try to smile all I can so that maybe someone else's day would be a little better. Everyone has their own problems, and telling my problem wouldn't solve anything. Instead knowing that I made someone else happy is more than enough for me.

Also I dont know what happened but society doesn't appreciate anymore. If you do something good they don't care, If you do something bad they criticize you. Of course people would feel lonely. No one appreciates good things like
> someone enjoying talking to you.

Become ruthless and develop an invulnerable way of loving those around you. :-)

That requires becoming invulnerable and making others invulnerable because love is inter-inclusion.
You're right, but it seems that some people really do not want to live longer. They're un-comfortable beyond what I know to help them with.

>That requires becoming invulnerable and making others invulnerable because love is inter-inclusion.
>it seems that some people really do not want to live longer. They're un-comfortable beyond what I know to help them with.
Be cruel about it. Mend and exploit whatever comes out of them into mutual advantage. Unconditional understanding (for your needs and theirs) can be overwhelming and utterly debilitating to deal with; give people no choice and don't compromise your own resources, ever, and only overexert yourself if there's something you can learn in return. Use them as stepping stones and drag them up afterwards. Make it really messy and pretty

You sound insane.

Childish Gambino said he made friends after spending literally hours every day perfecting a half court shot

Out of my depth on articulating on this subject, but you're quite correct. Neat work, unusual to see that.

>I have no one around me
>just be nice to the people around you brooooo
fucking retard, jump in front of a train

Then I must certainly be going in a direction, no? At least I'm moving. Actual direction is trial and error from now on. It's not a lot and currently in the state of vaguely defined mush, but it'll get better, I think. I'm still figuring myself and everything else around me out, and this might take a bit, but it's fun to do. In praxis, all of it should make you out to be kind, tiring and unpredictable at most. Perfecting the explanation could render the mechanism inutilizabile, unless you can manage to reconcile it with improvisation needed for grabbing things out of the air as they come. I think it's good that I sound insane to you, since I'm trying to pull off an application of affective horseshoe theory, if that thing even exists in the first place.
maybe I'm a fraud and you're agreeing because it'd mean I'm onto something so then you're onto something and being onto something is a nice idea to cultivate. and that's being projected onto my babble. or maybe you're onto something and that makes me curious what I could possibly be onto and what else I could understand from what I wrote. this is beneficial to me regardless of how things actually are. this is exactly what I was talking about, actually. thank you for making things a bit more clear, unironically!

The OP doesn't ask people to give tips on how to make friends, it just states that lonely people are supposed to suffer in silence. Also, everyone that is alone is in that state for a different reason, for some people, like people with certain personality disorders, it's impossible to have healthy interpersonal relationship. You couldn't resist the urge though, as soon as someone opens up about a vulnerability or flaw you have to jump on your high horse and show how superior and wise you are, while justifying it to yourself and others as an act of kindness. At least your incomprehensible schizo ramblings were more entertaining than the usual "just put yourself out there :)", but please, kill yourself.

Read this and you'll see why people call your writing "schizo ramblings":
In other words: "too many words, too little (depth of) constructive praxis".
But you did get a bunch of forms and their interrelations relations right and did so with curiosity and some joy, so, hey, feed that gay wolf and go volunteer at an animal shelter or something like that.
Eh, yeh.

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the punchline is when they prevent people from killing themselves. they don't give a shit about the reasons why, if they see someone killing themselves they immediately try to stop them.
the people who are fortunate in life cannot even comprehend how utterly fucked peoples lives are.

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lain never celebrated birthdays

thanks user this makes me feel better

the even bigger punchline is when you bring up the issue and insufferable braindead idiots like this guy show up to humblebrag and laugh in the face of your pain

But suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem! I was also sad when I broke up with my girlfriend, but life finds a way :). Oh, what's that? your problems with socializing stem from something like autism or BPD and no therapy or pill can fix them? Well, I'm sure you'll figure something out this years that you weren't able to figure out the last 25 years of your life! :D

Halo! I'm aware why I got called a schizo, and I'll read the whole stack thread tomorrow because it's nearing 3AM here. I did sail it and read your response and it's *exactly* what's correct; these are things I've recognized for some time and that I'm trying to get rid of. Thanks for humoring me and sorry if I accidentally insulted--didn't mean to. Your reply was way too precisely tied to what I wrote for me to have any serious doubts, anyway. I want to collect you and make you my friend now.
a) I'm not pretending not to be more than the equivalent of a bat using echolocation in the first place, b) I didn't ask you for a reply, either, but I don't mind any of it at all. I'm very aware of how nasty disorders can be when trying to establish relationships and communication of any kind; I've got three overlapping ones. Why do you think I have to resort to outlandish tactics in the first place? I don't see myself as superior or kind at all, because that'd be unfair to OP. I'm here to clarify things for me and maybe be useful to others as a possible consequence of that. I think your concern for OP is nice, though.

This is why I sometimes resent my parents for having me. They were both just barely above functional. If you're a fucking freak, please for the love of god don't ever have kids. This is not an insult, don't pass on the suffering.

I have read from many normies mainly on popular web forums that its normal to not have lost your virginity by your 20s? Is this just gaslighting? I thought most people get their first gf in highschool. And how most people will lose their virginity in highschool or college. And that college is when people date and meet other people of the opposite sex.

I am 29 and I asked people on a subforum if it is weird or if people would think that i am odd or a freak if i do not have any friends and have never had a gf or kissed a girl. They said that its normal and that people start dating and meeting friends at different ages. I am uncomfortable letting people at work know this about me. But if it is normal to be like this i guess i was worked up for nothing.

But part of me thinks this cant be normal and that most people have a decent social life all their life and that starting to be social for the first time at 30 is incredibly unusual.