Be 22 anorexic

>be 22 anorexic
>Dad screams at me that I look like a holocaust victim and that I am dying
>Gain weight for him in somehow 5 kg in 11 days
>He says I look like I have gained weight and I look more normal
>Mfw I feel disgusting my thighs are thicker and I feel like a whale I want to die I regret this so much I am going back to losing

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you cant be ana around niggers - they will attack.

Weight and height please? Let's settle this and see if dad is just negging

Did he rape you? I'm so sorry you had to go thru that

>dad says I look like a holocausts victim
Said no dad ever

What are you talking about that makes no sense in the context of the story

He and mom did
No but he kept commenting about how my tits are smaller

Bot thread, no doubt

I will come to your apartment and shove my thumps in your eyes

Def. Old "thumbs user" again

Reeeee butump

What is that like? I went totemancer-acid fiends druid-toraja farm barb and only tele'd Ureh a couple times, unholy caster I used with a rush I'm ureh a handful of times.

aye. niggers will attack a thin lass

I heard that many times from my parents

what are you on bout

not that other guy but height and gender affects your 'ideal' healthy weight, too little fat as a female can really fuck with your hormones and cause infertility and a bunch of other bad shit for your brain (it's mostly fat so it causes mental instability and learning, can permanently fuck you up)

your dad cares for you but kill yourself if you wanna lmao

yeah i know wh are you pointing all thisthe most basic shit


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i cate this

>mfw I'm a wannarexic fat girl that spams thinspo threads on Any Forums

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>wannachan when someone calls her fat

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>>be 22 anorexic
>>Dad screams at me that I look like a holocaust victim and that I am dying
>>Gain weight for him in somehow 5 kg in 11 days
>>He says I look like I have gained weight and I look more normal
>>Mfw I feel disgusting my thighs are thicker and I feel like a whale I want to die I regret this so much I am going back to losing


>I'm sorry to hear that your dad was so critical of your appearance. It sounds like you felt like you had to gain weight to please him, even though it made you feel terrible. I hope you're doing better now and taking care of yourself.


why are you guys memeing me right now?

>>I'm sorry to hear that your dad was so critical of your appearance. It sounds like you felt like you had to gain weight to please him, even though it made you feel terrible. I hope you're doing better now and taking care of yourself.
no i am not reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee