My sister invited me to go to the beach with her friends and I'm afraid of popping a boner when I see them in swimsuits

my sister invited me to go to the beach with her friends and I'm afraid of popping a boner when I see them in swimsuits.

Attached: beachwithsociallinks.jpg (2000x2169, 948.98K)

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Fap beforehand idk.
Try to not think of the cunny

>Not letting everyone see your boner and letting the trip devolve into the plot of a sex comic
Why are beta males like this

What's your relationship with your sister like for her to invite you out?
Do you guys genuinely get along or is this more of a pity thing? How autismo are you when meeting new people? Do you know any of these girls?

Don't worry, you'll be too nervous to get hard anyway

Go swimming, the water will be so cold it'll instantly kill any boners from forming.

>go to beach with sister and her friends
>get bones
>friends notice and start laughing
>join in the laughter and say "sorry I'm just not around beautiful women often haha"

So just wear a chastity cage?

>the water will be so cold
It's summer, retard.

>t. underage
Objectively nobody above 18 thinks like this. Nobody. Leave unless you want to remain this way for the rest of your miserable life.

Just think of something revolting when you're about to.

You have to be active, in your mind and body to avoid being a lazy boner sprouting coomer

What happens if you get hard in a chastity cage?

just let them see your arousal. my fembot gf started living with me and i basically am constantly erect or half-hard when im near her. i present it proudly, as should you.

Must be from the south because up north our beaches never get above 70 degrees

I literally went to the beach this week and I was freezing my ass off

>>sorry I'm just not around beautiful women often haha
>Yeah, user. We know. Go sit over there, you're too creepy lol
No wonder you chuds can't get laid

If you flex a muscle really hard it diverts the blood from your boner quickly.
It's best to do your leg muscles. Works in a few seconds.

You're welcome.

The ocean is always cold either way. At least on the West Coast. The Pacific is colder than the Atlantic, and the ocean breeze is basically like having the AC turned down 10 degrees. California nights are chilly on the beaches even in summer.

>>go to beach with sister and her friends
>>get bones
>friends stop laughing when they notice user sat down with his hands folded on his lap, forcing a worried smile
>"heh heh... sorry, you ladies are just s-so beatiful haha"
>one of them whispers to the group asking why you were brought along

Attached: eraaahh.png (350x385, 271.21K)

>they see the boner
>"it won't take care of itself you know?"
Do this OP, it's your chance to become a manga MC

>"sorry I'm just not around beautiful women often haha"

Attached: 1647330745934.jpg (675x900, 83.82K)

Just tape your dick back like a drag queen or tranny OP. If you don't want to do that, look erratic men's swimwear with a 4 way strench dick sleeve. That'll keep it fun for everyone.

>look into

Lol sounds like you never swam