100 years ago, the world looked like pic related

100 years ago, the world looked like pic related.
Now, look at us. It's amazing how much we've improved in technology in just 100 years.
When it comes to the scale of the universe, that 100 years looks like a little faggot bitch ass time.
Can't help but admire it. Where's my world war 3 though

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Yeah maybe 100 years ago Niggerville Uganda lived like that

What you talking about? Everywhere looked like that 100 years ago until they invented fire.

How could they invent fire 100 years ago if they didn't even have lighters and matches back then. Think with your head, dumbass.

They made fire with sticks and stones or lightning struck a tree then they made everything after that
It was what dark souls was about or referencing
Keeping the first flame kindled yes

dont you know the fucking story diphshit? someone farted on the wood while the sun was blazing, which caused the fire to be created.

NTA but bro that sounds super inconvenient and untrue. Like why wouldn't they just kill themselves?

Wildfires happen all the time dumbass
They took fire from wildfires, kept the flames flaming until they invented metals and other materials and shit to make firestarters

100 years ago Atlantis was above the ocean and ruled by autistic philosopher kings. So writes Plato

I wonder what 100 years from now would look like

flying cars everywhere :D

Stupid, they looked like this.

Color wasnt invented until 22 years ago, with the launch of the Sega Dreamcast.

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Bruh got me dead af good one

See, this guy gets it. OP is so fucking dumb. The better question is how did they know how to make fire if they couldn't see what color it was?

cars are already flying, you on the wrong pills

Pretty sure this is bullshit. Why didn't they hold up a magnifying glass to the sun to make fire?

What did they store the fire in when the lightning struck and couldn't make it themselves?
Sounds pretty gay to wait for a forest fire every time you want to cook a bite to eat.

How'd they fuckin know when to stop and go at a stoplight?

Oh god that's fucking right. What about painting? How the hell did they get the colors right?

They used gimp

No, no. That can't be right. I thought I heard MSPaint was the original thing they used? Didn't GIMP come out like... More recently?