Most guys with gfs are average

no, incel, it's not "the Chads" who are dating

look at couple channels, it's average to ugly dudes

maybe just, like... develop a personality, be nice and stop hating women?

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what's your excuse?
originarios commenters

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i was in a relationship before, for 2 years
even lived together for a year
but she left me for her husband and baby

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>it's average to ugly dudes

>maybe just, like... develop a personality, be nice and stop hating women?
Let's revisit that in 10 years and see how their relationships went

Theyre all way better looking than i am, also probably taller

LMAO no, holes get what they deserve.

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Chad is the one cucking relationshipcucks . female virtue is a total meme, society is a fucking meme

He's 6'2'' and known to have a massive cock

he got mystical powers I don't

>develop a personality, be nice and stop hating women?
Wow, that's some crazy talk OP. Of course, no one here will do so because they actively take meaning from their misery and incel narratives

How the FUCK do I develop a personality. I have nothing to say when I get into a conversation, and not only with girls. I can't find friends irl and I've contact with my old friends from school. For some reason I stopped talking to them when we went to different colleges, they're living different lives in different environments. All my interests and friends are on the Internet, they're niche, boring and irrelevant to a normal person. I tried to find friends but I cant keep eye contact, I can't hold a conversation. I don't think I'm better or smarter than other people but I feel ambivalent towards them. Where do I start?

>thinking these dudes aren't well above average

I kinda look like him

>the type of outgoing attention whore willing to video blog on YouTube for the world to see is representative of reality
Uh k

>chad fucks, beta bucks
how new are you op

there's no such thing
>stop hating women

"average" dudes.
So that puts them in the top 20% of males on the female scale.

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I even agree with you, but what a terrible example, those guys are above average.

i get plenty of attention from women, some are amused when i check them out. i never pursue them.

a guy having a gf doesnt mean she is fucking him on a consistent basis. most relationships are borderline platonic with the male constantly trying to do favors to "earn" sex with his gf since she isn't genuinely sexually attracted to him.