I'm tired of being a self destructive failure should I kill myself yet

I'm tired of being a self destructive failure should I kill myself yet

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w/e you do, know that you will be appreciated :)


If you don't want to be self-destructive, I don't think suicide is really the best choice. It's pretty much the most self-destructive thing you can do.

That's for you to decide, don't put that shit on us lmao.
I for one always keep an exit razor on my person for if the feeling gets strong enough. The muscle around the jugular is apparently hard to cut through but if you succeed it's like a minute of life tops but it is very painful, it is a very metal way to die. Other than that I've planned on a one way snorkeling trip, hyperventilate before you go under and you pass out before you ever feel like drowning. Of course it will be painful but hey, life is pain isn't it? I want to destroy myself until there is nothing left.


How are you self destructive? Is it better or worse than me hitting my nuts?

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I'm sorry everyone

No. Don't off yourself

>I am tired of being self destructive
>should I destroy myself

Maybe you should build yourself up instead.

I have nothing, no education or skills or money and all I do is drag down people around me

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What does that have to do with what I said.

You don't typically start building something from the middle.
You start at the beginning and then go from there.

I'm about to be homeless again

I feel bad for people that can't own guns. Nothing is more freeing than knowing I can just walk over to my closet and end it painlessly whenever I want

Just live for the fun of things you like doing until you get a job after putting in alot of aplications! Right. Now. Then don't quit the job you get into friend, it will make you feel alot better about thinking you are a loser. It helped me, you will feel of worth.

>homeless 3 times since 18
>mentally ill from family abuse
>can't hold jobs
>unhealthy and can't afford medical bills
>no car or license
>all I own is 7 books and some clothes
>owe 140 in utility's that I can't pay
>no credit at all
Need to find a food pantry I can go to tomorrow so I don't starve again I'm losing it more and more when I think about things

I was homeless too.
I ceased the first opportunity that came my way kept working on myself and my situation until things got better.
Hell, I am still working on myself and situation to improving things despite my current life being something I only day dreamed about years before.

Ive already had plenty of opportunity and ruined all of it and I can't handle being homeless again

Learn from your mistakes and do what you need to do, even if unpleasant, to not be homeless.

Yeah I think its too late I'm gonna just abandon everything and hopefully build up the courage to kill myself since I'd hate to sit out in the sun 24/7

Your thinking is being messed up by your obvious depression.
You aren't being rational right now.
Instead you are letting yourself be carried away by a temporary mental state that is making you catastrophize.

It's been this bad for weeks and I'm sleeping at random times in the day and can't focus on anything because of the stress of being kicked out