The aging process is truly evil. Your life really is over at 25, isn't it

The aging process is truly evil. Your life really is over at 25, isn't it..

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maybe stop eating garbage and snorting coke all fucking day

My life got astronomically better after 25. Got a settled career and moved to Thailand. Earn decent money. Got a hot Thai gf. Train Muay Thai as a hobby and feel fitter and stronger than I have in my life.

My hairline is receding like a mf but at the end of the day who gives a fuck I am not aiming to become a male model.

Life can better lads. You just need to work at it and have a clear good goal.

Matthew Perry looks like that because he has struggled with alcoholism for most of his adult life.

Just work out every other day and eat normal food and do not drink much apart from occasional red wine.

Stay out of the sun and you age much slower. I've lived a life of indoor NEETdom, at age 45 I look like I'm still 20.

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>My hairline is receding like a mf
That's rich, considering you live in the hair transplant capital. Just get it done, the sooner the better

damn that's the oldest i've seen here

If you're telling the truth, then good for you, man! About the hairline, might as well just shave the shit. Bald + fit is a one-size-fits-all look for guys.

wow 45? Are you still a virgin at that age?

>just seamax

I'm pretty sure I almost became gay because of edward furlong back when I was a child
Also, yeah
Aging is different beast
I can feel body getting older and becoming more fragile and shit like I have to care for what I consume
I am balding too, at just 25

have you tried finasteride against the balding?

Everything about this world is evil.
There no fun, yet horded of beastly, filthy normalfags claim that life is good thing.

They guy in your pic ruined his body. If you look like this at 25 you have no one to blame but yourself because it shows yoy never:
- fasted
- ate non-preprocessed food

The body ages rapidly when you dont do any of those things and then abuse substances like a hedonistic shithead that you probably are.

Get fucked fatty

Too expensive to keep using it, at least from where I am
Plus, I've already accepted my fate. Can't fight genes, my dude. I've gotten all the pussy I'll need during my prime thick hair days, I no longer need hair to attract females.

I'm looking into Tiger Muai Thai ED visa in Phuket, but would prefer to try Bangkok first. Any schools you'd recommend for light training in my late 40's?

There is no point in losing weight or eathing healthily if you missed out on teenage love.

Yes, it is. I failed college all the time despite studying hard and not am a Neet at 30 without a degree.
I am still in shape tho and stronger than before, because lifting is the only thing where you get better at age (at a certain age at least, meaning till 45-50), everything else went to shit. At least I also have the same hairline as I did at 15.
But I am also a khhv and women are DISGUSTED by men over 23.

aging is a gross curse, yeah

i never want to go over 130lbs ever again
the fattest i've gotten was when i was actively lifting and put on weight to try and build muscle

another indoor enthusiast here
can confirm

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>Your life really is over at 25
Bone density peaks at 25, anyway in general, your life after 25 depends on whatever you did before the age of 25 and how your genetics are.
Don't abuse yourself and blame your genetics for the consequences.