"God is good"

>"God is good"
>"Uhhhhhh... because he is!"
Is that the best christcucks can do?

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Because he made himself flesh and allowed himself to be tortured, crucified, and sent to Hell for 3 days so we don't have to.
If not for him, we would ALL go to Hell with no path to salvation. Because of him, we are saved if we humble ourselves, repent, and place our faith and love in Christ.

i want to go to the beach but i don't want other people to be around

Who do you think is happier: Them or you?

>"God doesn't exist"
>How come?
>"Uhhhhh... because he just doens't okay!"
Can't believe atheistcucks actually fall for this shit

it honestly takes more faith to believe God doesn't exist than to believe he does.
>See a painting at a museum
>one person tells you it was created by a talented artist
>another person tells you it just randomly appeared one day.
>atheists: "Whoa, I heckin love science!"

Assuming of course that you believe in his existence. Perhaps the Calvinists are right and the evangelifucks are not.

Do we need to start talking about pink elephants, user?

Evangelicals are the product of Schofield Bible propaganda which was propagated by Zionists post world war 2 to convince the post-war generation to worship judaism. they altered the Bible to make themselves appear as the chosen people and since then, the state of Israel has become one of the intelligence superpowers of the world (Five Eyes.)
In the original Biblical texts, even the KJV, judaism is not mentioned one single time. The word didn't exist yet.
In these texts "Judaism" is called the religion of the Pharisees or the traditions of the elders.
Christ himself called this religion demonic, even his apostles pointed out that the jewish star (known incorrectly today as the star of David) is demonic and used for Moloch worship.
Christian theology is an extremely deep rabbit hole. I admit I thought it was pozzed until I actually sat down and read The New Testament and did some research into the origins of Judaism.
Technically Christians are the "Chosen People" because they are the only ones allowed into Heaven. Christ is the only path. If you reject him you can't enter. You get one chance.

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literal thousands of years of theodicy and yet not a single person has ever been able to come up with a satisfactory answer to the problem of evil

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>Epicurus never said this
>If you actually read the New Testament you would know that God will destroy Satan, but things must come to pass first.
>"Why doesn't a blacksmith just carve out a sword of wood? Why does he need to heat metal, quench it, and grind it to make a sword? Just give me a wooden sword!"

Also there would be no idea of Good and Evil if God didn't exist.
How can a human being ponder good and evil, both of which are non material realities that we are all sure are real, without a supreme lawgiver of morality (God) existing?
How can logic exist? or love? or transcendental thought at all exist if not for a supreme source of truth?

>but things must come to pass first
What things?
>"Why doesn't a blacksmith just carve out a sword of wood? Why does he need to heat metal, quench it, and grind it to make a sword? Just give me a wooden sword!"
What does this have to do with anything?

he made hell, and he made our sins.

Doesn't sound like a very loving god to me

God does prevent and restrain some acts of evil. This world would be MUCH WORSE were God not restraining evil. At the same time, God has given us the ability to choose good and evil, and when we choose evil, He allows us, and those around us, to suffer the consequences of evil. Rather than blaming God and questioning God on why He does not prevent all evil, we should be about the business of proclaiming the cure for evil and its consequences: Jesus Christ.
If you think this world is suffering, Hell is beyond your comprehension. Go for a walk in the forest and breathe the fresh air.

I fucking hate god, he damned me to this existence because of something my ancestors did.
I suppose he did have a change of heart and sent his son to absolve us of all our sins, but I still cannot forgive him for this. If he wants to really forgive us just let us out of our misery and bring us back to the garden or get into heaven immediately

>God does prevent and restrain some acts of evil.
why not, why did he create evil, and then let it be unrestrained in some form or another.
Why create hell to punish people who don't follow you when you could simply not create hell, or create people who dont' follow you.
>God has given us the ability to choose good and evil
God created both of those things, remember, heis all powerful that created everything.
>and when we choose evil,
He chooses in creating evil. In creating beings of capable of choosing evil, that he also created.
Must be very amusing creating something and set it up for failure to suffer forever in a place you also created to punish anybody who does what you created them for.

Nigga God love us and he gave us free will to see how his (imperfect) creation would behave. He wants us to know the truth and how we can overcome it with our imperfect bodies.

Being evil is never fulfilling. That's why the elites always turn to weird perverted stuff like diddling kids. eventually worldly pleasure diminishes and you have to turn to more and more evil things to feel satisfaction.
and in the end it's still never fulfilling, and then they go to Hell. God is good.

Bro God has NEVER created anything evil. Hell is literally the absence of God and all the benefits that come with living in his universe. When you go to hell it is a deliberate result of you CHOOSING not to follow Him. It is also where satan and all his demons lie because they also chose to leave heaven and God due to their own pride. That is the price that comes with free will. If God just made every decision for us so we would follow Him we wouldnt have free will.

Good and evil are subjective, and attachment to those concepts is why we all suffer. There is just what perpetuates a growth of intelligent life and what hinders the expansion of consciousness.

next you'll tell me Satan and this evil world is better. lol. lmao even.

How does free will even exist, when god already knows every action we will ever take? If someone is meant to end up in hell, god already knows it, even before that person is born. Unless god doesn't know everything

hell isn't real, its a christian made up thing to scare normies. read a jw bible.

>free will
I hope this is bait.

Everything that you like, dislike, want to do, is all determined both by your genes and the experiences you live.

>God is bad
>Uhhhhh... because he is!
Is that the best atheistcucks can do?

Yet here you are, wallowing in pity on a Mongolian basket-weaving cuneiform tablature.

When you look at the current state of the world with all the evil things being called "good" and whatnot, through the lens of the teachings of the Bible, it all makes sense

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