Do fembots understand how much power they have?

Do fembots understand how much power they have?

When a fembot messages me on discord and I see that notification pop up it feels like I just smoked crack

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yeah, and i love having that power over pathetic moids lmao. my fav new pastime is turning bitter misogynistic incels into my personal simps

Fembots don't message me on discord. It's like pulling teeth for a crumb of fake attention.

most do not no

women are gullible and their minds always busy pursuiting the new trendy shit

Not everyone is like that you dick. Also YNBAW. If you're messaging more than one guy at once you're a fucking asshole. Do those guys all a favor and ghost them.

>id love to make a guy feel happy like that
>autistic and socially awkward

>autistic and socially awkward
Translates to
>too concerned about my own image just to say hi
Just talk about things you like. He knows you're a turbosperg.

stfu, loser moid. i use these pathetic moids for money, not coz i like talking to them

Would never work on me roastie

yawn, that's what they all say. one cute picture paired with some vc and sweet words and i'd have u wrapped around my finger like the rest of them

the triumph of feminism is women using their gender to leech of other men lol

You can do it even if you're socially awkward

Nah i dont give a fuck bout you biatch

I would never send a wretched cunt like you money

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This is what you think is happening but you're just another cog in the shy, autistic virgin ---> e-simp ---> misogynistic incel pipeline
thank you for your service

lol, i already got 4 loyal simps from here plus 6 normie ones. i don't need your money, use your neetbux to buy some tendies instead, loser.

Prove it, if you're so enchanting

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>brags about being a manipulative whore
>thinks this is a good quality
Please, die already.

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it might not be good quality to you but i got a super hot bf who adores me while you're a lonely incel on r9k so idk

>stfu, loser moid. i use these pathetic moids for money, not coz i like talking to them
mid-tier bait under u blew it with the overuse of "moid". do better, downvoted

irdc if you believe me or not lol

>i got a super hot bf who adores me
but you're a hole, so that's a given?
everyone here knows that even the most deranged whores have like 0 problems finding a bf