Why do you think you deserve a relationship?

Why do you think you deserve a relationship?

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Because I'm getting old and I deserve to continue my bloodline.

I do not at the moment.

>I deserve to continue my bloodline.
Why do you think so? What value does your bloodline bring?

I don't deserve a relationship because i don't deserve to be happy

I don't think I deserve one. I try hard enough but I don't make the cut

Every single one of my ancestors before me continued the bloodline. I am entitled to continue my family's tradition.

I don't, nobody does.

>Every single one of my ancestors before me continued the bloodline.
Cool, and I'm sure the dinosaurs felt like they needed to continue THEIR bloodline before they were hit by a meteor. Life's not fair. The question should be: "what utility do I bring, and why would someone want my genes?"
>nobody does.
Well therein lies the issue. There are some people that just DO deserve to spread their genes thanks to their natural birthright. Attractiveness, resources, money, status. These people have earned the right to breed. Do you have any of these things?

I am in a relationship. It's been going strong for close to two years now, which means it is likely longer and more successful than any of the ones in your repository of failed relationships. Faggot.

No one deserves anything. Existence is all one big rng roll for every molecule that has ever existed. No one has ever "earned" to pass on their genes, the actions they took were all based on factors greater then they could possibly comprehend to get them to that point. You can try and tilt the odds in your favor, but there is no way anyone can truly "win" at this game.

what the fuck does deserve even mean
let the historians, the philosophers and the gods decide who "deserves" what, I know what I want

>No one has ever "earned" to pass on their genes
That's just objectively untrue, we can literally look at the wild and see this isn't the case. You have two bucks, one of them is genetically bigger and has stronger horns, while the other is frail and weak. They're both fighting over the same mate. Stronger buck beats the frailer one in a fight. Has he not "earned" his right to mate?

This is what being an ubermensch entails. It is your biological right and destiny to have better resources, pass on your genes, and shape the world to your liking. It is the inferior men who need to be happy with what they get, if anything.

No. How did that buck get big? By eating healthy. How did it do that? It was born in an environment that allowed it to grow safe from predators, with sources of food to support its growth. It only became an alpha because by chance it was born in an environment to allow it. By chance its mother wasnt killed while it was growing inside her because by chance the tasty underbrush wasn't growing in the same area the rednecks were hunting. The buck didn't earn its existence, it was lucky it was born at all to pass on its genes.

Now imagine an environment in which the bigger buck doesn't have enough food and dies from starvation while the smaller one doesn't. The smaller buck is now deserving to reproduce in your worldview? If you are trying to be a Darwinist then you should understand that neither of these circumstances have any sort of moral value assignment. It's just circumstance and nature loves to put up arbitrary filters.

Trying to make people feel bad on the internet makes you look weak bro.

>How did that buck get big?
Through genetics.
>By eating healthy. How did it do that?
By not being born as the runt of the litter, thus getting more attention from the mother, thus she feels more inclined to deliver more resources to that child. You're not grasping just how foundationally important genetics are to shaping your circumstances, it's not the other way around. A baby being more cute at birth = obtaining more resources than uglier babies = being more likely to grow and prosper. Now we have an entire generation of EXTREMELY cute babies being given more resources, thus making them grow up to be healthier and more attractive by the end. Everyone benefits.

The thing that's scary about human society though is now EVERYONE got to pass on their genes, even if they were inferior creatures. Now even the most dead end, worthless humans were allowed to prosper and survive. The issue we're facing with dating nowadays is because we've officially hit a critical mass, where there's more degenerate humans over proper supermen. It also doesn't help that most people born in the 90s are suffering from lead poisoning and xenoestrogen poisoning.

Ok. And if a random forest fire kills that mother trying to take care of "the fit one", how does its genetic superiority allow the fawn to still grow into the healthy buck?

>Now imagine an environment in which the bigger buck doesn't have enough food and dies from starvation while the smaller one doesn't. The smaller buck is now deserving to reproduce in your worldview?
No, then the herd dies. You need an ubermensch to protect the tribe from other stronger predators and rivals.
>If you are trying to be a Darwinist then you should understand that neither of these circumstances have any sort of moral value assignment.
I think we can make a moral prescription when the average fucking human is literally a mutant nowadays. Pic related is not normal, should never be normal, and we as a society should be ashamed for allowing it to get this bad. Eugenics isn't bad, it's not scary, and it's actually really compassionate and moral. The ONLY reason we reject it is because (((they))) want to create a generation of pseudohumans that evolve to eat McDonalds and watch Disney every single day.
>how does its genetic superiority allow the fawn to still grow into the healthy buck?
It doesn't, and thus the whole herd crumbles and dies from outside predators.

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So in conclusion, no lifeform deserves to pass on its genes because ultimately this planet is a random ball of dirt that by chance developed some micro organisms on it and all traces of it will eventually be engulfed when the sun begins to die. There is a slight, random chance some of the dirtballs organisms develop to the point they can get off it, but the odds are not in their favor of them making it very far before they are still rendered extinct and even if by complete cosmic luck they make it out of the solar system, their genetic impact on the greater universe would be like a droplet of piss in the worlds entire connected ocean and thats being generous.

Why do you think that you deserve answer to your question?
(Two can play this game faggot!)

The purpose of life is to shape it to your will. Each individual, each human and animal, is struggling in a Darwinian war to exert their influence over the planet. Generally when an individual shapes the world to their liking, this manifests in receiving, love, sex, food, and material pleasure. People want happiness, satisfaction and pleasure. That's the ultimate endgoal to life.

The problem is not all life forms are equal. There are traits which are required to survive this harsh, shitty, horrible fucking world. Strength is a major one, and that is essentially a major trait that can be used to shape the world to your will. Influence and charisma are other ways. At the end of the day, we are all at odds with each other over our desires, wants, and what we want to see happen in this world.

I don't know about you, but I don't want to prioritize the will of consoomers and pants-shitting Walmart employees over the Alexander the Greats of our society, or the Napoleon Bonaparte. We need some basic standards for what a human being should be. When you have a weak, degenerate untermensch who wants free resources over superior men, it's almost intuitively true that this person should be left to starve.