Artificial Wombs

What will happen when artificial wombs become commercially viable and women are no longer a directly necessary component of human reproductive process?

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You still need eggs and sperm, therefore humans will always be a necessary component of the reproductive process.

>Thread about clickbait article with no credible scientific backup #12738
Its all just so tiresome

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strict regulation requiring one to meet a series of conditions before being able to create an 'artificial' child, which will ensure men who aren't breeding now aren't breeding in future. the ride never ends

user people will not work on things that require so much time money effort and law regulations to please 0.001% of population and you're retarded if you think otherwise

I asked a question. Do you even read? It requires conscious thought and perhaps even novel input, NPC.

Eggs are plentiful and would be one of the less expensive parts of the process. Donation of an egg is quite different from the way humans have historically reproduced. This should be obvious.

You assume they will become commercially available. They will not

Many men would be interested in having children without necessarily involving a woman directly. It could begin as a designer service for wealthy clients. It obviously has other commercial applications, too.

I don't fucking care for reproduction so just continue to live normally?
With things like this happening today, I think it's realistic within 100-200 years, as long as most major western powers alongside East Asian countries don't individually Balkanize first

That's nice, but what effects do you think it'll have on society?

None ? People would probably be glad they don't have to ruin their body for a kid anymore but that's it

Abortion gets banned entirely, largely replaced with a procedure to transplant the brat into one of these.

Rapid human population growth with artificial wombs its possible to a man and woman to gestate 1000 of their kids at the samr timem

Nigger it literally says that its outlawed and that he was arrested, the majority will not cater to the small minority of men who cant get a gf. In 200 years you will be dead and you wont have any offsprings so it doesn't matter either way.
>Many men
A very tiny minority. This world is overpopulated already

To everyone in this thread: read Brave New World

This isn't all about getting a fucking gf you absolute autist

It will shut up those "I don't want to ruin my body for a kid" cunts.

>commercially viable artifical wombs
We likely won't reach that stage, but it would change society radically.

Beautiful people will remain beautiful as they no longer have to burden the baby in the body, uggos like us will not have access to this technology at all.

eugenics wont be available to the troglodytes incels.

this will also create a hyper sterile environment for the fetus would it not? back in the day kids played in the mud and were fine. everything is so sanitized and bastardized that kids are allergic to existing. this will be the end of mankind

>This world is overpopulated already
No it's not, all modern countries have collapsing populations, some of them in absolute freefall. Even shitholes are trending towards it.

It astounds me that there are people who actually believe in that 'overpopulation' bullshit.