A bunch of blackcels killed Chad. Kek

A bunch of blackcels killed Chad. Kek

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>arrested by US Marshals
Arent those the guys that killed Osama Bing Laden? Lol these negroes are so fucked, theyre probbly in Gitmo now

This one is pretty wild. They all got charged with murder which is fair but that means something like twenty years in the states right?

Thats fucked up. I just spent a month in the hospital and i nearly went insane. And thats a better enviroment than prison.

If they had raped and decapitated some old lady than fine but men fighting men.. its natural. Sure they went too far and yes they were three on one but damn.

we should abolish cops already so they won't get arrested and they can just kill whitebois everyday

yeah but US doesnt care. this happens everyday to white people, asians, mexicans and nobody cares. governement and people inn charge are terrified with upsetting black folks and yet you make all of us look bad at the same time. fuck policitics

mf was KILLED and you talking about 20 years being to much. you are fucking retarded.

average eurofag.

murder usually gets a life sentence, and in the states it really does mean life. here in canuckistan it caps out at 20 years unfortunately.

20 years too much

what the fuck is your problem you absolute faggot i hope your mother is shot and killed by multiple niggers and youre forced to reread your shitty, worthlest, stupud fucking posts. remember me pussy

Well, here in the first world we dont look at criminals like cattle. We try to find out whats wrong with them and try to help them.

>We try to find out whats wrong with them and try to help them
It's surface-level in this case.

quite amazed that people have so low inhib that they can't control themselves
based baitposter

>hue hue hue muh racism n shiiiet
You deserve to be replaced


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Take a deep breath and count to ten

Twenty years is too little.
These kinds of people adapt to a new life in prison, with friends and everything. They don't have the brain capacity to realize they're in shit.

Murderers should unironically get the death penalty automatically. Unfortunately some people falsely accused will suffer but the benefits are worth the cost.

>Unfortunately some people falsely accused will suffer but the benefits are worth the cost.

the problem with US that nobody ever mentions. imagine how many people are incarcerated for shit they didnt even do or petty marijuana charges. world is weird place

or we could skip the whole process ahead of time by sterilizing blacks

He nebar learned around-blackz-nevar-relax! We lost another one/b/ro's!

Damn hes hot asf , couldve lived a good life but thats what you get when you hang around black folk. They cant stand seeing someone better then them.

>Blsck user here who cut of most of my friends cause I knew they were gonna lead me to a dogshit life

Niggers always crying in their mugshots lol

He was so cute. Jesus I hate niggers.

You're on our side. Peace be with you Any Forumsto!

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>Damn hes hot asf

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I'm sure white people love gentrification lmao

I'm sure black people love killing white's-WAIT-

You are a NIGGER with NIGGER mentality.
You do NOT get to kill people.