Hello Robots, here I have a quote by Nietzsche for you

Hello Robots, here I have a quote by Nietzsche for you
>Our high society, the rich and idle, is more natural. They pursue each other, sexual love being a kind of sport in which marriage serves as both the obstacle and the allure. They amuse themselves and live for the sake of pleasure. They hold physical attributes in the highest esteem. They are curious and bold.
What do you think? Have the so called normies of today always existed?

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have rich people always behaved like retarded children

>iN SoCieTY thE rICh HavE IT BettER

Imagine missing the point entirely.

I care little for the philosophy of someone who lived in almost complete isolation for a significant portion of his life. I'd prefer to hear anecdotes from individuals that didn't view social/romantic interactions from the outside looking in. I don't need advice from people trapped in the same pit as me.

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That is a very astute point. Was Nietzsche a robot/incel?

>imagin missing the point entirely

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Philosophy and religious texts are masterful in their ability to coat a single point in thousands of layers of verbosity and then have the point still be refutable

It really isnt my fault you didnt feel like thinking a little.

Then refute it. Dont just go uhhh no and then not elaborate.

Yes, in fact, majority of the smart philosophers that made humanity progress and are remembered today were mostly lonely people and had nothing to do all day other than think and read books.
Socrates was ugly as fuck and Nietzsche constantly roasted him for it.
Being a robot/incel goes hand in hand with being a philosoper.

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Thats literally what hes saying tho

>just probe through the thousand layers of verbosity and try and figure out what he's talking about

Uh, lorem ipsum to you to.

His mistake was seeing the word rich and automatically assuming I was only talking about people with financial wealth. You can be rich in many other things, i.e social capital
And honestly, thats not a very difficult concept to grasp. Ironically his wojak was him in his first post.

Such a fucking brainlet

If you think this short passage is difficult or verbose, I have bad news for you user.

Nietzsche did not live a long time ago.

Wow my brain is melting bro that changes everything whats this? Reality is falling apart aaaahh

1844-1900. 100 plus years ago seems like a decent amount of time.

1844 was not a long time ago.

If you dont know how to use critical thinking skills just says that.

Okay, I will concede in terms of society, 100 plus years ago is not that long. Still, you strawmanned that, as I never claimed it was initially. I only referred to the people of today. The 19th century and 21st century are different, after all. Are you going anywhere with this?

>Still, you strawmanned that
No, your thread is based on the premise that Nietzsche lived in something other than the exact same modern world we live in, which is false.

Well, was the only person to say anything of value. OP out.

Certainly the bad news wouldn't be the point, would it? Then it WOULD be bad news for you, because you couldn't babble nonsense and no one would be around to go "what the fuck is he talking about" every few seconds.

Okay, before I go, please tell me which words in the post were difficult for you. Honestly. These are all fairly simple words.

>OP is retarded
>runs away when called out

I think he actually ment rich as wealthy this time bud but whatever

It's not the words, it's the point. What is the point? That it's natural to be a rich hedonist? More natural than what? It's natural for everyone to be in a country club? What does being curious or bold have to do with anything? EVERYONE has those two traits? "They hold physical attributes in the highest esteem", as opposed to? Is that defining of the high society? Can others outside of the high society "hold physical attributes in the highest esteem"

You say "what do you think" after giving such a vague and stupid fuckall quote with zero context. Basically, write your quote again, but this time write "i.e. ... ... ..." before you ask me if I agree with it.