Is true what they say about cons and cosplayers? That they devolve into orgies? How would, say...

Is true what they say about cons and cosplayers? That they devolve into orgies? How would, say, a young man in his 20s with nice hair and an okay build fair in getting some cosplayer pussy? Do you have to be nice looking to get some pussy, or are looks irrelevant and it's more about who you are/who you know in relation to your anime community standing? You know, could said young man swing at least a 6/10? Pic related is obviously not a 6/10 and I would imagine only sleeps with cosplayers that are as hot as her/have as big a following.

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yes but only for con Chad

Whats a con Chad

6 ft +
great cosplayer

That doesn't make sense. Again, I am not trying to score with the OP's pic. I am trying to get with at least a 6/10. Why would con sluts be called con sluts if they just slept with chads?

I keep hearing this shit as well. My understanding of it is that you have to be Chad like the other poster said. But I was also told that there's more leeway than with normal girls, like you don't have to be as ripped and tall if your cosplay is good and you can weeb out with them. Apparently they also like Asian guys but that's just hearsay but it makes sense to me.

I don't know because I've never been to a con but I don't think I'd ever go. I wouldn't be able to handle the cringe.

>I don't know because I've never been to a con but I don't think I'd ever go. I wouldn't be able to handle the cringe.
Same, but I feel I missed out. And more than that, I have no friends who have pushed me into going to one.
All my friends are normalfags.

Like all women, they are sluts ONLY for Chad.

Lol maybe this was the wrong board to ask...

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you are obviously a porn sick retard. no woman wants to fuck you at a con. and most of them are there with friends or meeting up with friends. you will have no chance. and most of them are probably alphabet people.

this. Con Stacies, Con Beckies, and Con Trinas are ALL slets... for Chad

Damn you really want to fuck me, huh foid?

>alphabet people attend cosplay cons
woah. so Sasuke/Naruto/Goku are probably (((cosplayers))) huh

Generally speaking, you go to cons held IN hotels or nearby them that have raves/parties after(advertised or not).
Beyond that basic qualifier, as other anons have pointed out it gets a bit complicated.
You have a lot more social leeway as everyone is an autist and hyped for the event so its nicer than normal hunting but the usual rules still apply. You're going to have to be social, you're going to have to approach them first, you're going to have to be the one to make it sexual, you're going to have to be the one to push for going back to a room, etc. Usual solo guy in a bar action, unless you being friends but then its friends at a bar action.
However, they're looser. Everyone is hyped for the event and people approach female cosplayers unironically with zero sexual intent solely for photos or just to appreciate the work(as a heads up don't be shy about that they love being quizzed and when people try to inspect the fine details they spent hours trying to figure out, just ask before you actually go poking) so it is very socially charged but also socially loose even by autist standards(as most will be some flavor of autist) so people are gonna be weird and everyone's gonna stand openly ogle the lewd merch and chat with the merchant for an hour no shame etc.
This will make approaching women a lot easier and they will be a lot more receptive to it and if you fail just say you wanted a photo and play it off as being a socially awkward retard(because everyone is a socially awkward retard at most of these and they get it). They won't believe that excuse for a second but you got a photo and both of you got to disengage without it being awkward for both of you.
At the rave just mingle. You don't have to dance but it will help but wallflowering only works for women and even then it's a poor strategy. Just go to the bar if they have one and chat or sit in the lounge area if they have once etc.

General modifiers are the standard party favor bribes of having alcohol and drugs back at your hotel room, having your own place to go back to(the hotel room you don't share), being a social chad, and looking like a chad.
Nonstandard modifiers are if you're a genuine nerd and those nerdgasms are genuinely autistic off-gassing that will open a lot more legs than you'd think and if you yourself are a cosplayer.
That list bit needs clarifying because a lot think this means do a cheap get up and that gets them laid. You could try that and it might work but most can tell if you're into it or not so just roll normal if you don't actually like cosplay. If you do like cosplay it unironically doesn't matter how shit your get up is the enthusiasm is what usually sells it.
I've seen a Master Roshi that was just casual beach wear from walmart, a giant 5' round plastic turtle shell top for a small childs plastic turtle sandbox he just had rope straps for, a bald head, a fake stash, some cheapo sunglasses, and fake foldout magazine that was just 2 pieces of blank white cardboard that had "Lewdy Mag" sharpied on it and when you opened it 3 blank white letter paper pieces fell out like a fold out also only with the word "Lewd" sharpied on them. Got about 30x the attention than a genuine female doing zero suit live pixel cosplay that looked damn good simply because he dedicated to the bit and clearly loved his fucking work.
I will say though, it has definitely shifted towards the more societal norms in terms of getting actual women out of them for any period of time. So, don't expect it to be anything long term. Most go with the expectation it's a one-night stand situation.

bros. should i go to otakon? should i flash my bling bling at these ladies?

>should i flash my bling bling at these ladies?
Don't talk like that...unless it's a character? Man, convention etiquette is weird.
Sure? I hear it's nice.

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kek. i was half serious, i have never made a cosplay before. ive been to Otakon and danced a little at the rave

telling you you're a coomer means you're a foid? what kinda depths are you at right now that you don't get shamed for having porn scenarios in your head with real people you're interacting with? fuck off retard

Im cooming holy fuck

I want to cosplay as 9S, find the nearest 2B cosplayer and rape her to death

sorry OP but if you're not 'in' with the crowd then you won't be invited

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Getting laid at cons is pretty easy. Getting showered with attention from above-average girls is incredibly easy. However, "the con orgy" is a running joke at almost every event. People will ask about it or spread rumors, yet no one ever seems to find it and neither did anyone they know. ...Or at least that's how it is at smaller events. The bigger ones with a reputation for partying definitely do, those being the likes of DragonCon or ColossalCon. Probably also AX but I've never been. So unless you're going to ones with a turnout of over 15,000 it's probably not happening. If it's one without a hotel attached, definitely not happening.

I once settled for a 2/10 fat Hinata cosplayer. Pussy was good and stinky then she gave amazing head. We both smoked some weed in my car and fucked in some woods about 20 miles away.

It's mostly 95% enthusiasm 5% craft appreciation for cosplay. Sure you get the hyper autists that go all in balls and wallet deep but they are usually the same people that gush when your $5 goku track suit has a hand painted symbol even if they find out that's only because the official with the silk screened on symbol was $10 and you were broke and had to make do.
There is even a couponers sort of crowd where the mentality waves wildly between how close can you get using only the local goodwill and walmart to how cheap can you get while still being recognizable.