
There is literally nothing on earth worse than being fat. I am so sick of this shit. I am physically uncomfortable 24 hours a day and none of my clothes fit me. Fashion is pointless since I just try to find shirts that look like bedsheets so I can cover my mass adequately. You are the centre of attention by default wherever you go by virtue of looking so physically abnormal. Everyone automatically and instinctively hates you for being a fat ugly freak. Life is just an ongoing shuffle between deranged late night binging sessions. Death is preferable to this evil.

Anyway, discuss being fat here I guess.

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Being a Christian straight white male with a wife and children is about as bad as it gets.

I can't stop eating whenever I get stressed or depressed


When/how you started getting fat
Favourite food
If you're trying to get healthier

I've been fat since I was like 8 because my parents never cared what they fed me but it ratcheted up to obesity about six years ago
I like eating almost anything to excess but a nearby bakery makes kick ass baclava so I get that a lot, I figure it's better than McDonald's or other garbage
I go for 2 hour walks after work now and try to do 10000 steps daily, I started with some treadmill jogging but my knees couldn't take it

try and workout man you got it guys don't worry i can help you guys just add me and i will help

Try an elyptical machine if you can. Less impact but you can still get a sweat going. Keep going, youve done the hardesr part already.
t. Dude with a bustes knee

>When/how you started getting fat
When I got my first job and had money to blow on junk food
>Favourite food
Munchie box if I'm being honest, but an individual item would be nachos
>If you're trying to get healthier
Some days, other days it's not happening

>There is literally nothing on earth worse than being fat.
Going to the effort of changing, "beating" your retarded vice, losing half of your body weight only to realize you've done permanent external damage to your skin and will always look like shit topped it for me. Was genuinely happier when I was fat, could at least imagine the possibility of being normal before I learned it's impossible for me now. Now I can't even stuff my face when I feel sad about being alone forever.

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>binge eating
>stress eating
while those have their challenges; reminder that if you're over 300lbs/140kg it's a problem you can solve just by being more diet conscious, exercise is actually a minority contribution to weight loss. unless you have a major insulin issue or something, it's entirely in your hands.

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eating low calorie foods should help. like veggies and fruits. thay way you jave something to eat and not go hungry but you won't get as fat from it. no sugar. no saturated fats. no processed foods. that's what i say

The solution is super easy, it'll save you a ton of time, several hours a day, you'll look and feel better, you'll save tons of money, and everyone will like you more.

Stop eating so much

Why do skinny normies think they're allowed to post in fatbot threads? Nobody invited you

25 and 220 pounds at 6 feet. It is over before it began and no one, not even men, like a fat ugly man.

I like these memes, anyone have the pasta gun one?
At most I've only been chubby, and recently I bought "gym" clothes (jacket, pants, shoes and a beanie) and I've just been going for a walk around the block(walk 15mins, turn around) every 2nd day, or more.
After the first week my legs don't hurt anymore and I'm on week 3 and I noticed I don't feel as tired. I want to get to the stage where I can jog it then go hiking.
I noticed I've been getting less suicidal thoughts, but more;
>tfw no gf to walk with

I'm so fat and disgusting
I'm going to kill myself

Origionolium post

you niggers need phentermine
tell a doctor you've been trying to lose weight religiously for months and nothing worked

>lost intesterest in life
>No GF, lost friends, No interests
>Became NEET
>became skinny fat 105kg 1.85 (for usfags 230lbs/6.1)
>Mega thin arms and legs, big belly and face fat
>1.5 yrs ago decided self improvement, started 1200kcal diet
>after 1mth had lost 10kg and started to run (2km) and walk (4km) everyday. Change diet to 1600kcal
>after 5mth had lost 20kg and started to workout in gym. Change diet to 1800-2000kcal
>after 8mth reach lowest weight of 74kg and start to look visible stronger from working out
>bulking start, working out 6 times a week. Eat 2500kcal healthy.
>after 5mth bulking, reach 82kg, not perfect body, but visible biceps and muscles. Face improved massively aswell.
>Gain muscles, gain confidence, women start noticing
>Friends start calling again. Start going out again.
>Begin cut phase again to burn remaining fat
>Body dont like go below 80kg, loose muscle, have to scale back on the weight on dumbbells
>after 3mth cut, start bulking again (17/6-22)
>Get high paying prestigious 6-figure job
>still incel and no female friends

Im at a point where i will start looking for a gf.
This is properly also the most difficult part of the journey as you will not compete against yourself anymore but Chad.

190 cm - 6'3
117 kg - 265 lbs
>When/how you started getting fat
I balooned in uni. Comfort eating + unhealthy habits.
>Favourite food
Pastries, subs, burgers, energy drinks.
>If you're trying to get healthier
Im trying to write down everything I eat. Its no wonder why Im fat when theres 10 different items on the list throughout the day.

>Get high paying prestigious 6-figure job
Whats the job?

Snr. risk officer for an asset manger.