Has tiktok irreversibly corrupted the youth?

has tiktok irreversibly corrupted the youth?

Attached: AdolescentKindlyEstuarinecrocodile-mobile.webm (540x960, 659.07K)

All social media has.

TikTok is no mans land. I haven't used it in for over half a year now but I've seen full adult women straight up grooming young boys and get all flirty with them in the comment sections. I genuinely hate women so much it's beyond me.

oh man how horrible, sure glad that didnt happen to me when i was a young boy

Not really my point. Point is those same people would wish death on a man who made a video of him helicoptering his dick and flirting with a bunch of 13 year old girls in the comment section. Imagine being such a sad bastard that you need to show your ass to young boys in order to feel better about yourself and for validation.

What cup size are those? They look quite big, so at least a DD?

Humina humina

You're literally a namefag. What are you talking about?

Stop blaming tiktok you faggot, if you dont remember world existed before 2016. Ever since smartphones got mainsteam the youth has like this, there is very little difference between teens in 2012 and 2022 in any western capital city

I used to want to find her and hurt her but now my testosterone has gone down or something and I don't feel the same drive to possess e-whores. Or I have simply given up?

if i had a dollar for everytime a cooomer said this exact line about this exact subject, i honestly think i might be 100k richer.
when i was a boy i didn't think about sex whatsoever, i thought about war and video games and my dreams in life.
the post 2000s coomers think about nothing but sex because of all the brainwashing. Americans had "sex sells" pounded into their heads about as much as "the customer is always right".

Naaah every boy i knew in middleschool was chasing girls since 7th grade and im not even in a americanized country. You were most likely behind in development or autistic or so far down the hierachy that your body held your hormones back to prevent you even trying to climb, is as it knew you would get destroyed.

Can I get a sauce on that chick?

Yes and things ARE worse than they used to be. I don't care what anyone says. In the 00's, emo/scene girls may have been all about attention but they were harmless. They were doing silly teenager shit on relatively small social media sites and being "so random xD". The modern equivalent of that is girls desperately trying to be the next big influencer, doing everything they can to replicate the women twice their age. Copying the same tiktok dance, posting the same photos of food and trips to Greece, trying to look hard by copying ghetto vernacular while still being as white as snow. Everything in the name of building up that perfect online image and collecting followers. It's all become so egotistical, so insincere. And of course boys are feeding that. Boys decide which girls get the most followers and of course it's the ones who flaunt their bodies. So yeah it's ruined the youth, it's taken everything bad about being a teenager and made it 1000x worse.

How the fuck are her tits so big

>went from "young boy" to middle school 7th grade goal post movement
>now being gaslighted because i said i'm different than you
i also was chasing girls, that doesn't mean i wanted to have sex with them. i think your brain broke and you forgot how to comprehend English and the difference between sex and crushes at a young age.

The two redeeming features of being a teenager are that you are willing to go wild without holding back and that you have not yet been beaten into conforming to social norms. Tiktok/Instagram/Twitter effectively ended both those things by essentially connecting every teenager to a massive global hierarchy database.

social media conditions teenager to act like middle aged adults and middle aged adults to act like children. fucked up

Try F, minimum

im more conerned about her prominent chin, thats a good trait for your offspring to have

This, society not just youth everyone. Sheep baha

I sure hope so
People go on about TikTok being filled with porn and inappropriate stuff, but all I ever seen was ancient roasties dancing

Really? I have it downloaded but don't follow anyone and as soon as I open the app 9/10 times there is a 16 year old girl dancing like a stripper. That place has become pedo paradise.

I feel like many of these things have always existed, but social media has made them more prominent.

Attached: selfie.jpg (828x1211, 82.14K)

No, it's just put it on display. People are the same they've always been, now you just see it more.

social media ruined women entirely

>all I ever seen was ancient roasties dancing
The tik-tok algorithm shows you what you things similar to what you watch the most. You probably just stayed on those videos too long, so that's all they showed you. When I had tik tok, my feed was only disabled people and obese people. Because I thought that shit was hilarious

Stupidest shit I've ever heard. So environment plays absolutely no role in shaping people's values and behaviors?