How do femanons feel about former fat guys doing self improvements...

How do femanons feel about former fat guys doing self improvements? I feel like there are women who would be turned off with the fact that there was a point when you weren't in shape and had to try instead of being effortlessly perfect

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very aesthetics pecs

On a similar note, what do femanons think about balding guys who go on finasteride to save their hair? If you were dating a guy and found out he was on fin, would that be a dealbreaker or bad thing?

maybe 10% would give a shit
there are no females on the internet
get out of your room

Thought i was on fit for a moment. Kek

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I look like middle pic but a bit more thin. I guess it's a posture problem combined with low muscle and fat mass.

Look at any posts from actual females and they all collectively loathe bald men. If there's a flaw women will not overlook it

Any patty enjoyers on r9k?

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cringe ass tattoos just ruin the looks.

sexsexsexsexsex i want to have it

in-person, a woman wouldn't mind any of these three. online or on a dating app, they would only accept the one on the right.

>How do femanons feel about former fat guys doing self improvements?
Don't really care, nothing to do with me, good for him I guess
>I feel like there are women who would be turned off with the fact that there was a point when you weren't in shape and had to try instead of being effortlessly perfect
You have been on here too long. Go outside.

Holy shit, that pic was all I needed to dispel whatever despair I had.

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you wont get a legit answer here
all the femanons here were former fat guys

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watched a few of her videos but can't stand her voice for 30 seconds.
hot af bod tho.

Women only care about how fun you are to hang out with

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stop posting pictures of my mother on r9k

Shes extremely annoying

Xx female reporting in.
I find self improvement to be admirable and respect the dedication put in to it.
Anyone who doesn't is a mouth breather and their opinion should be discarded.

Why would you tell anybody, especially your partener about that? You keep it a secret, because it's just more ammuntition to use against you in a relationship. You should have started fin before you were noticably balding.
>T. Finasteride user.

>XX female reporting in.
XXY still makes you a man troon.

Can't even imagine how annoying her voice must have been before tren.