Im a virgin at 31

Im a virgin at 31.
Screenshot taken with logitech C615 webcam in a dark room with the only lights coming through my closed blinds behind me and the light of the computer screen.

Anyone mad?

Attached: 31 khv.jpg (965x374, 75.89K)

>anyone mad?
Why would we be mad?

Have you ever tried online dating?

idk i just wanna farm some madbois today

since i have no good camera, no family or friends to help me set an acceptable scene for the pictures the meta of online dating requires I have no chance.
plus i dont feel like faking pictures that much.
the one time i tried i got 0 matches ofc some years ago now.

If this chad lite is a wizard it never even began for the rest of us


Attached: 0e6.png (840x854, 404.43K)

Seriously. Go on a vacation in some south east asian country. Two to three weeks ahead of time you sign up for okcupid and set your location to there. Just do it.

Yea thats not gonna happen bro
Life isnt a game and people arent numbers.

have u tried touching grass chad

i was out on a 2 hour walk yesterday to go see sheep that are being bred on the outskirts where I live.
Im starting to get familiar with them. They are very shy creatures so I have to walk baby steps towards the big mothers to get their approval and let me pet and scratch them without them falling back.
Once I do that the smaller sheep come up to me and I can pet them too.
So in a sense i have touched some grass that day.


user please, PLEASE, meet women at clubs and get yourself some real life friend-acquiring experience. For the love of god, bumble, pof, and tinder will only result in making you feel like shit.

Take it from me. I was a payfag on tinder who did everything right but got nothing. These apps are used to milk men out of their money


He is conventionally attractive, there's no doubt about it. And the other user is wrong: uglier men have gotten plenty of pussy.

OP really has no excuse to be a virgin. He is handsome enough and has a nice physique. The only thing stopping him from getting laid is probably his sociability. He should remedy that immediatley.

Oh I never will.
I also think the women on there arent really there to meet anyone and they also swipe right on a certain meta game like I said.
Ive really looked into this and done my own experiments for free since then.

Tinder especially is shit but every other app have some kind a big flaw aswell.

Bumble, not realistic, will result in the same thing as tinder. Its just a sales tactic to get more men to go there once they fail on tinder in hope women are more assertive.

Badoo you can chat with women before they like you so they never like anyone. They sit and farm pickup lines just by having a profile and then pick the best of the best there aswell. Its even worse than tinder.

I could go on.

You must be severely fucked in the head to be a virgin with those looks at 31. I almost feel bad for you.

Great dubs my friend.
Sadly it sounds like you already kind of wasted your time on them, but I also wasted my time on them too so... meh.

And yeah, like I said before and like this guy said you are very conventionally attractive. I'm just wondering if you have a fatal flaw. Are you, like, a giant asshole? Do you correct women's pronunciation of words when they are speaking? Do you do anything stupid and mean like that?

Or have you just been sheltered and spent your 20s just playing vidya?

Ofc I have done nothing else but to play games, guitar, watching youtube, reading books my whole 20s.
Both just in my room at my dads and at 2 diffrent community colleges, at one where I lived.

I had no idea about looks, blackpill, icebreaking in coversation, what other people did with their freetime in highschool, anything at all until 25.
When I started to research things more instead of just playing games.

You either larp or an actual mentally challanged retard if you really didnt get any girl by now (assuming you want to). You are male model basically so i dont understand how can you not have sex easily, EVEN with autism

Someone should try Tinder with OP pic. If he gets rejected it's literally over.

You can go try it.
I promise you 100% if you just take these fucking incel webcam photos of me or just one of them and make a profile with normie stats and interests you will get 0 matches.
Tinder isnt about interests or what you say, its what kind of photos you have.
If I had a professional photographer and some people willing to help me setup some photos where it looks like im at a resturant talking to them while someone take a photo of me, 1 good semi profile picture while im in nature or outside somewhere and maybe some other photo of me hanging out of a friend or two then i would get alot of likes.
My physical stats are well above average but it doesnt matter since women do not meassure jawline, eye area or cheeks or forehead from photos.

If I even had one really good photo of myself like this one when I was 13 then it might work on tinder.
But it has to be professionally done. (good camera, lighting, setup.

Attached: ezclap.jpg (591x766, 67.87K)

over for picturecels

nope not mad, i'm essentially you but a year older

Your parents probably thought you had a bright future and would be married by 24

>chad is a virgin
your choice big dawg

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