Nig has such low iq he believes in god

>nig has such low iq he believes in god
>is allowed to make decisions for an entire country based on this

Why is this shit allowed

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Go back to Any Forums, racist chud
Racism has no home on this board

i dont care about all that i just like women being angry

one step closer to the brap barn

>going after gay marriage and gay sex next
So how long do I have until I'm no longer allowed to marry?
Gotta find a husband quick

>legal abortion culls the undesirables
>banned abortion inconveniences whores
>I'm an infertile guy that doesn't get laid
unironically have no stake in this and don't care what happens

>More unwanted babies
That's not good for anyone. It means more poverty and all social ills that come with it.

I'm a hispanic mulatto and I'm loving the rich white people seething.
>more black people because abortion is going to be banned now in states where most black people live
>pussy white people that try to turn everyone else's kids into drug addict faggots will just abort their own kids and die out
>honest white people that mind their own business will keep on having 8 kids until they make up all white people.

Everyone wins.

No, you're black.

He probably know that this will make America rife with violent niggers with poor upbringings in 15 years or so, all part of his long plan to get back at whitey. Based.

I hate the guy, but what the fuck are you on about?
This nig grew up poor as fuck, made it to an ivy league, and went on to become the most senior and conservative member of the highest court in the land.
What have you done with your life?

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>What have you done with your life?
I'm white.

Finally, the Demonrat shows his true colors

It's hilarious watching liberals drop the nigger word when a black person doesn't do what they want them to. Get back on the plantation!

>I'm white.
Easy way of saying "I'm a failure that hasn't accomplished anything who should eat a bullet"

Reading books all day makes you smart!!!

no thats black

Lol, I don't know if you're aware, but it's lefties calling him a nigger for the ruling

Do you seriously think you're higher IQ than everyone who maintains a religious belief in god, OP? This is quite narcissistic and I'm an atheist.

That said he most likely is low IQ because he's black and a politician.

>Do you seriously think you're higher IQ than everyone who maintains a religious belief in god, OP


>thinks his explanation (guess) for how the universe was created is any better than someone else's

>thinks people believe every word of the bible literally

The universe was likely created from nothing, and took an unfathomable amount of energy. Who is to say the thing that created it isn't conscious? There's nothing, and then suddenly there's everything. The whole system works perfectly, it's infinitesimally complex in it's workings. But there's also consciousness out of nowhere, it's not just objects. Perhaps, the thing that put this all in motion was in fact conscious and aware of what was going on? Perhaps they also have a massive amount of power, given the amount of energy it must have taken to create things.

Does this really sound that stupid? Religion was created in a time where people couldn't grasp difficult concepts, so those who were wise in society created a book to explain morals to people. In addition, they tried to help alleviate people's fear of death by explaining there is a higher power who created us on purpose. You were "dead" before you were alive, then you came into conciousness out of nowhere. Do you really think it won't happen again? Do you have any reason to believe it won't happen again? You know only one thing which is consciousness, but yet are so certain this is it? That somehow what happened before is different?

From my perspective, you are the fool.

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