Hey dork my friend here thinks you're cute, how about asking her on a date?

>hey dork my friend here thinks you're cute, how about asking her on a date?
wat do

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Idk, go on a date or two with her? This is a hypothetical, who cares?

Look at her in the eyes and say;

Hey would you like to milk? I mean milk. sorry I mean milk i mean milk sometime. sorry.

>Do you like playing pokemon?

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>tell her I dont date cows, now how about YOU go on a date with me?

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>jack off and cum within seconds all over her shirted tits
>come back to my senses
>steal a couple of snacks and run away

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hahhahahahahahha wow that's so funny i almost peed my pants.

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Do you still like playing Pokemon? I hate gen 8 and anything past that

Sorry, no speak ingles.

Pokemon is pokemon user, I don't mind too much the newer gens but they are getting really easy.
I replay most of the time and try to unlock more of the game that I never managed to when I was a smaller child

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Ok but only if she'll gain more weight

Why would she date someone who can't differentiate between a semicolon and colon?

>wat do
No idea. I'd just not do anything because I have no idea what to do

I would love to
God 2D women are my future

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If she found me cute, why doesn't she ask me out herself?

Literally happened to me. I stuttered and sped away. Never went back to the Chick Fil A

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>uhm. Actually I was wondering if YOU wanted to go on a date, no offense to your friend.

This would literally and unironically never happen to me

I can't do that because the one I really like is you. Please go on a date with me, I love you so much!

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>That's a bit of a problem, because I want to ask you out instead. Not sure how to solve this conundrum.

t. not into fat cow tits

Based flat chests enjoyer