What do the people of 4 chan think of the new roe v wade case being over ruled in supreme court

Just wondering peoples opinions on this i dont feel like looking up this shit so just let me know your opinions and the reasons

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abortions are fine with me because lives are disposable, especially a parasitic fetus that is not even aware of its own existence

Its horrible men have no right to dictate what women can do with their bodies

Jews created stemcell Harriet Tubman guns because the prison system became so corrupt, matter of fact i'm the only one that posts on this board who is Chinese, so there is that.

i am torn because i am pro abortion, but against women's rights. i dont know what to think.

I don't know how about you look at one of the other 10,000 threads about this exact same topic right now and see if you can figure it out

The containment board sure is working

Woah you're right women should be able to do anything they fucking want because it's their body. Let's have no rules/laws for women because they're so sacred that these shouldn't apply to them under no circumstances. Let's allow women to murder any child they wish because it came from their body, right?

I'm laughing because it means millions more niggers will be born. So glad I'm not an Amerimutt.

Legally, I'm for abortion. It keeps the dregs of society from reproducing.
Morally, I find it objectionable and wouldn't want to date someone who would get an abortion unless it was due to extreme circumstances.

this but unironically, fuck fetuses, it shouldn't be the baby's fault if the parent doesnt want to keep it

man, kinda shocked OP got actual answers and wasnt just bullied back to eternal reddit where he obviously belongs to
only normalfags left here now

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I wish people would see this as the purely constitutional issue that it is, it should've been overruled and I'm pro abortion. People are incorrectly venting their frustration at an administration that refuses to go through the proper channels because of the work required. But their own party refuses to work with even them, they have little option but to stamp their feet at the general opposition. It's just sad.

Any Forums was never your r/greentext haha heres your ip go back memefrog website. Stop projecting.

It doesn't effect me, so I don't care about it

literally does not matter. just take birth control. however i'm surprised the republicans had enough balls to go through with such a change to the status quo. i never thought they'd go through with it since they'll lose a big part of their base if there are no more single issue abortion voters

I know this is satire but really, I don't care. It's nice seeing people get really mad about it though, esp womenz

The nigger population will explode so have fun with that. Abortion also takes out the trailer trash and other shit skins and keeps them from fucking up things even more. Oh, you thought you were saving the white race? Blonde Stacey flew to Jew York to get an abortion over the weekend and posted a few pics of her impromptu "vacation" on instagram. You'll be none the wiser.

But the roasties are mad and the libs got owned so who gives a fuck about what's gonna happen later? Have fun dealing with 1350 but far worse.

fucking retards.

it was legal precedent for 49 years lmao, which party is stirring the pot here?

you gotta do better than that if you want to astroturf

I would never want my partner to get an abortion but the government and religious zealots have absolutely no place telling someone they have to go through with an unwanted pregnancy

There's tons of modern laws that could be tarred as unconstitutional. Why are republicans only going after the ones that affect women and gays? Oh right because they hate them.

Its sad the only (you)s I get are with obvious bait now a days keep being a retard and believing people here actually think roasties deserve a damn thing

It was incorrectly precedent for 49 years, as the Supreme Court just ruled. It couldnt exist in limbo forever, cosntantly being questioned and used as election promises. You should expect the republican party to champion republican ideals I don't know why you are suddenly surprised by that. My surprise comes at the pure rage coming from the democratic party at any prospect of making it actual law when according to them it's supported by almost every American citizen.

That's what's happen to the republican party

In mainstream politics you kind of just ignored the crazy KKK types and let them yell in the background but what started happening a few years ago is the party really embraced these people and all the idiots that were going "im not racist, but" are now just openly being racist and spewing bigoted nonsense on the internet that they themselves would hate to be on the receiving end of. I think to put it simply, too many people fell for the memes, especially boomers, and the schizophrenic behavior of blaming all your ills on the jews and replacement theory is now mainstream.