Police card on door

What do they want? Am I under investigation?

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Chuck it in the trash. If it was serious, you'd probably know

>iFag user
fucking hang yourself

call them jamal, they know u saw the murder at joey's

This. Most problems with people go away if you just ignore them.

>What do they want? Am I under investigation?

If you were, you'd know. As in they would send police to your door.

It could be anything really. Are you over 18? Then they can't investigate you since they are only for under 18. You might have been brought up in relation to someone else. Maybe they think you're a witness or something.

>allegedly an oldfag
>mentally immature enough to care about another person's phone brand

oldfags always hated apple and reddit, its basically tradition
welcome to Any Forums newfag, lurk moar

>What do they want?
Only you know that user. Did you glowpost too much online or something?

Should've used residential proxies and blocked JAVASCRIPT

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You're trying too hard to fit in

You probably know someone they're looking for. I got one of those once because some beaners murdered another beaner in the parking lot of my work and they wanted a statement.

Might be a court date? I had something similiar to this but it wasn't for me it was for my sister, they gave me information about a court date and I just passed it on. It might unironically not be for you

wrong and bad advice.
theyre investigating a juvenile who OP may have interacted with.
They probably suspect OP of something illegal having to do with a minor

if it's for a Any Forums regular, more like CP.
although honestly I'd suspect Any Forums more than Any Forums on account a good number more of us are survivors of paedo than perpetrators thereof

dont call them. dont answer questions
if its important they'll come get you. even if you're innocent you stand nothing to gain by talking to the police

she probably wants to fuck you.

Nig is me? I'm dying my man. I got 7 days left to live. Cystinosis and cancer. I'm not lying. Paladins act this way. It's fucked up man.

That's raw, man.

wipe all of your data from th hard drives and the phone

No one has said anything the fact that OP is probably a fucking underage faggot? JUVENILE???