How are things robots?

How are things robots?
personally I feel pretty good and i want a yandere gf

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i want a nigger girlfriend that sounds white, thats my favorite archetype

ah i love calling nigger girls nigger while fucking her slave ass to death lol

feeling extremely hopeful for no good reason
not sure if it's because I quit caffeine or what but I haven't felt this okay in a while

wish i can relate

well robro I feel empty gf left me out of shape, and can't stop wanking for the only short happy moment i can get a day.

Hope you get a gf tho

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not a robro, i go on here every once and a while. I hope shit gets better if i were you id work out get back in shape and just ignore whores and focus on yourself

women are nasty pieces of work, well most.

I feel like shit. I was really happy as a college student who didn't work. My mom started to resent me for asking for money all the time so I got a job. I now realize I don't control my own life anymore, I'm a slave to society. College controls how I spend my free time, and work consumes what's left over. Other than that I can eat, or get behind on my work and post on Any Forums.

I feel content now that I've said it. This is what I was going to do, I had a choice to be neet or not as I have a disability but I decided to work through it to be a normie. My parents and friends online are proud. But I know this is all fake. I will still fight the good fight, finish the course, and keep the faith.

Not super great.
Cutting a bunch of weight really quickly. My self esteem is real rocky and I can be sent down a spiral by very small things. I try very unsuccessfully to hide how down I am but it comes out as aggression sometimes.
I just really wish someone loved me and I wish more than anything that the someone was myself.

keep pushing or blow your head off >id do the same
Losing weight myself and love yourself

>How are things robots?
i feel like nothing is real and therefore keep pushing boundaries of other people just to feel something again which in most cases will only end up in rejection
i wish someone would beat me up so all my inner paranoia and self hatred can actually manifest itself but im just sitting here alone, rotting

>love yourself
I try. I try very hard I'm just so much harder on myself than I am on anyone else. I've even tried talking to myself out loud about how I'm feeling and what I'm feeling bad about as if it was presented to me by somebody else. That helps me a little bit, but there's still voice inside my head hates my guts and is never quiet

Waiting to hear back from a job, hoping I get it. Aside from that just getting my summer classes done while conserving as much shekels as possible.

yea I'm trying to, did a fourty minute run yesterday, just got to get my gut under control

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I've been miserably depressed for the past few months.

go outside its all in your head, talk to chicks like they're ur friends

i just ride my bike or exercise when the inner voice is talking shit, don't let that slow you down

planning on contacting a job too

there is an app that could help for cutting weight and it helped me a bit

go outside and get a breath of fresh air (it helps) also don't be stuck in your own head all the time

I will totally ditch the computer except for studying and reading and getting books.
Ive been around some 16yo people and i literally feel less mature than them despite being 23yo, this sucks.
I hope my instincts will kick in and make me do something to get a gf. I think i will move my fartlek workouts to the track so that i can hang out with some athletes.
God my life is shit and absolutely aimless.

Keep pushing it is... these do seem like the two options.

as somebody at work told me "I've never seen somewhere where people hate their job as much as here. You gotta work somewhere afterall"

yeah if its that bad go seek another job.

>God my life is shit and absolutely aimless.
shit mindset bro

which app is it?

I don't have a car or qualifications so this is the only job I can get right now. In maybe two years I can get a new job.

30 day something, can't quite remember but it gives you multiple exercises a day

I take public transportation

pretty bad. i'm turning 21 soon and i only have one 'real friend' on discord. consider them my best friend but pretty positive the feeling isn't mutual so im just tryna distance myself away from that again and try to be accept being alone.

being alone isn't good
sometimes it is

I'm turning 30 soon and have 0 friends online or IRL

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> muh shit mindset
What other mindset can you have ? I've spent the last 7 years alone, behind the computer screen.
My dream of becoming a track athlete broken by my mom who constantly berated me for working out too much. So i ended up drinking and playing minecraft and she was berating me for that.
Now i have to study stupid computer science mathematics BS so its extra hard to train.

>go outside and get a breath of fresh air (it helps) also don't be stuck in your own head all the time

Going outside doesn't do much for me anymore. My own head is all I have.

Imagine being a boomer. You live in the 80s, no internet and shit. You meet your friends outside, at a basketball game or something or start smoking/drinking with random guys in a pub.
This what i will do.
Be a boomer, ditch the computer, probably will start doing stuff with guys who seem to be lonely.