Do you think normies will stop having sex in the near future?

Do you think normies will stop having sex in the near future?

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No, most people will continue to have sex.

They already are, look at the reproductive rates of post-industrial countries.

Normies will literally risk STIs and have foetuses ripped out of them with metal instruments an vacuums. Yeah, I don't think normies are going to stop having sex any time soon. And remember while risking all this for sex they'll turn around and tell you "there's more to life than sex inkwell".

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Why the fuck would you think that

Roe v. Wade being overturned

Condoms have a chance of breaking

I think Roe v Wade is going to scare a lot of normies into leaving casual sex culture. In the short term it will just be a lack of casual sex and relationships. But eventually women will seek out long term partners who they feel would make decent fathers. Specifically men who they feel would stick around and actually be present in a marriage.

Overall good news for robots and people looking for a normal long term relationship.

>Roe v. Wade being overturned
Are you that retarded. Are you really that retarded
>Condoms have a chance of breaking
Yeah you are that retarded.
Please think about this further.

>I think Roe v Wade is going to scare a lot of normies into leaving casual sex culture.
no it won't lol
roasties gonna roast

>Yeah you are that retarded.
How, condoms are only 98% effective

imagine being a woman, being completely unpleaseable, able to have machine gun orgasms and somehow not pleased enough

You know condoms and birth control exists so rate of reproduction in a country doesn't exactly equal how much sex it has especially in post industrial countries where condoms and birthcontrol is readily available...

I think more and more guys are just gonna stop caring so much.

It's not all that easy for a lot of normie guys to get laid these days.

We can only hope, user, we can only hope

It's an interesting question. In the near future, no I don't see any big changes. But talking a few decades/centuries down the line there are some interesting possibilities. If work hours get longer and housing prices keep going up, people may find they don't have the time or money to socialize and develop relationships. As people spend more time online, their may be more people appearing who are too awkward to talk to each other. Japan is kind of a preview of this future.
But talking more generally, as technology advances, the way in which people take pleasure and the form that pleasure takes will change too. Obviously we've seen a million posts about the robot waifus and so on but beyond that are a whole lot of other possibilities. With future technology allowing a range of simulated experiences, sex being just one of them, more people might prefer to live in a virtual dreamworld than spend their free time in mundane reality.
But those predictions of how people "enjoy themselves" are still restricted to our current framework of what pleasure actually means. We strive for sex and pleasure as we currently know it because it's in our biology. "Pleasure" IS our biology. The real game changer will be when our biology changes. What happens when biological science develops to the point where humans can adjust their own neurochemistry?? When we can change what gives us pleasure or even redefine what pleasure is. Some people might choose to remove the burden of sexual desire all together to be more efficient at work or training. People might find that there are far more efficient ways to experience pleasure and that sex is more of a primitive burden than anything. Who knows? In the future, actual physical intimacy might be considered a crude act and frowned upon the same way public nudity is frowned upon today.
There are a lot of interesting possibilities for the long term future and most of them we haven't even thought of.

Normies will stop remembering what they were even angry about within 2 weeks.

>With future technology allowing a range of simulated experiences, sex being just one of them, more people might prefer to live in a virtual dreamworld than spend their free time in mundane reality.
We're close to this one, already happening in some places.
>The real game changer will be when our biology changes. What happens when biological science develops to the point where humans can adjust their own neurochemistry?? When we can change what gives us pleasure or even redefine what pleasure is.
in like... 500 years or so.

>in like... 500 years or so
It's hard to predict. It could start happening within this century.

I'm not having sex with my bf anymore until he gets a vasectomy

98% effective over the course of a year of use user. Not per condom. A condom breaking also doesn't equate to a pregnancy and things like plan b (basically just a strong birth control pill) exist as well

I'd say people having biological sex will be in a minority eventually, especially for straight men.

I think it will be gradual. People will just get fed up with other people and keep to themselves more and more, especially as work and society continues to wear people down. This will lead to getting tired of maintaining a marriage, to getting tired of relationships, to eventually even getting tired of the hoops you have to jump through to get sex.

Technology will help speed this along too, why even go on Tinder and get rejected 1000 times when you can just go on pornhub and rub one out in 10 minutes? You got a hundred other distractions now as well, things to keep you occupied and distracted from any urges. Future technology like sexbots and interactive girlfriends aren't all that far off either. That will be a big game changer, why bother with settling and all the relationships games when you can instantly order the perfect partner?