Where do normies actually meet women after they graduate from university if their workplace is almost entirely male?

where do normies actually meet women after they graduate from university if their workplace is almost entirely male?

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weird matchmaking meetups where thots in Sales pick over the mega nerds from Engineering who come out once a year like a depressing mating ritual crossed with a fruit stand

The bar obviously. Alcohol is supposed to ease the interaction so it helps.

>weird matchmaking meetups
i thought those were a meme from before tinder
they're actually real?

>The bar obviously
lolwut? young women never go to bars. it's usually almost entirely boomers

That's only true in suburbs. Bars in the city are loaded with women in their 20s.

we only leave the lab to get food

Overwhelmingly nowadays its via online dating.

comedy gold and ofc true

you missed out too bad try the next life

I always been in a bar with just my friends. Never really socialized with other strangers.

Unironically true. Even uni dating has fallen compared to the past. You need to have a very big social circle if you want to actually "know" people before dating them.

Ever heard of the internet you fucking troglodyte?

If you have married friends, ask their wives to set you up on a date. They usually love playing matchmaker.

Good fucking luck.

Attached: 1_s8j1k7YlKN8Bqbw5oTQdPw.png (1400x853, 94.76K)

The bar is for socializing, just not with women. Get sloshed and become a bro, but don't look at a woman because she will scream rape if you do

also there are times more man then women on apps
also those 5% likes are going for the same men
>95/5 rule
its over
give up
give up
your only chance at existence
will be depressing
its over
all you have left before you soon become an old, wrinkly, sickly man soon to perish into the abyss of nothingness is go to soul-crushing jobs where you get bullied and used, then go home and rot in loneliness

Can someone post this image on plebbit to see the cope responses?
I don't have an account

>go to soul-crushing jobs where you get bullied and used, then go home and rot in loneliness
Well at least I have a good job, family and friends. Who needs love and sex anyway.

It's not new.

hanging out with friends obviously

Thanks man. This shit is fucking brutal and the normalfags still downplay it.

they rationalize it with
>there are two times more male accounts then female accounts
>female accounts probably are created and then they leave it inactive
meanwhile they are so retarded that they don't realize how studies are done and that the results are from a sample group and everything they mentioned is controlled for
i hate normalfags so much as much as i love truth

Does not matter if it's inactive account. They analyzed the activity.

>must be da bots
>wahmen don't have retarded standards they just don't!
This all comes down to men being fucking desperate. If one gender has no standards the other one can get away with anything.
If men stopped being fucking simps swiping right on everything and only did it on 10% of women they would also start swiping right more.

first of all, its only speculation that women have more inactive accounts then men do
second of all, they most certainly didn't analyze the activity of an inactive account. they can very easily filter through "hasn't logged in x days or more".