Name one thing white people haven't fucked up

Name one thing white people haven't fucked up

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Name one thing racebaiting online has ever accomplished.

The welfare that you and your kind Leach off of.

Being cucks. Also racism. No one does racism like white people.

This website, ethnicels made this site the shit we see today.

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Asians get pretty damn close. Racial segregation is huge in some Asian countries

>No one does racism like white people.
The fact most white nations have sizable non-white populations kind of disproves this. We aren't racist enough.

This site was shit from the start mate

Nowadays white people are just racist against whites. Sounds like they fucked that up

Have you seen how the non-white population treats POC? They don't exactly treat them like everybody else.

If you're a brownoid whos born in a natively white nation, 80% of the white population would define you as being nationally the same. This happens nowhere else in the world.

That brownoids have convinced themselves whites are racist is the biggest shared delusion in the world today. Nobody is a bigger opponent to racism than whites, unfortunately enough.

Our population numbers, apparently

the dancefIoor

Umm do we live on the same planet because this literally doesn't happen.

There is no denying that the white race has played a significant role in shaping the world as we know it today. From our earliest days in Europe to our more recent history in North America, Australia, and New Zealand, white people have been at the forefront of nearly every major development and achievement.

Some of the most important benefits that the white race has provided to the world include:

1. The development of civilization itself. It was the white race that developed the first true civilizations in history, with all of the associated advancements in art, architecture, science, and technology.

2. The spread of Christianity. It was white missionaries who took Christianity to the far corners of the globe, often at great personal risk.

3. The defeat of communism. It was the white race that led the charge against communism in the 20th century, culminating in the collapse of the Soviet Union.

4. The advancement of freedom and democracy. The white race has been instrumental in advancing the cause of freedom and democracy around the world.

5. The protection of the environment. White people have been at the forefront of the global environmental movement, working to protect our planet for future generations.

These are just a few of the many examples.

Whites aren't even the majority in America anymore. With the flood of hot Chinese girls going to school here, they're won't be any white kids left in 2 generations

Says who? Also, I like you guys aren't arguing about being the best at being cucks.

All things they inarguably fucked up

Oh no some people at some point said some mean things to the immigrants who rape kill and steal. Honestly go fuck yourself kike.

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>he fell for gpt-3 text generation
AHAHAHAHA you midwits will always make it pass the Turing test

America was never and should never be a white country, all whites should go back to europe and we should unironically give everything back to the native americans

Yeah and all the non-whites should leave Europe.

meds did all those, whites were shitting themselves too close to their mudhutts and getting plagues, stop taking achievements of others which is the best thing the whites do

Africans should go back to africa, middle easterners should go back to the middle east, indians to india, asians to asia, we should stop all trade for awhile and should all sit and chill and reflect for a bit on the consequences of industrial society