/femcelgen/ femcel general

fellow femcels, when did you realize you'll die alone because you're too ugly to ever be loved? for me, it was when i asked out a guy with a face deformity during my 1st year of college and he laughed at me. the following month, i noticed just how much attention pretty girls got because i befriended a girl from tennis for the first time in my life. after that, i got deep into lookism related stuff on reddit and realized there's no hope for girls with my facial flaws

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I'm not going to read that but I want to tell you that I'm going to rape and impregnate you

As long as you are not a crazy bitch there will always be someone who will like you. This applies to incels as well. It's pure numbers.

What, specifically, is wrong with your face?

what a sick joke.

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>rejected and laughed at by a guy with a face deformity
W-whats wrong with your looks? This dude mustve been the happiest ever unless you got acid-faced or are obese..

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According to pure numbers there are 112 males for every 100 women, also older males prefer younger women therefore the "numbers" are pretty bleak

Its not possible to be loved if you have male pattern baldness.

>as long as you're not a crazy bitch
user, they also get dick. OP will get dick too, she just needs to not let the bastards grind her down.

>According to pure numbers there are 112 males for every 100 women
Where? You can't seriously be lumping together the numbers of places where babies are literally murdered for being female with the numbers of the West, right user?

Nope it's actual births.

I am currently trying to date a girl who by her admission never had romantic relations due to a crippling fear of men and also being bullied for being chubby and ugly. To a point where in highschool "Only Fembot would fuck you" was a geniune tease among guys in her class.

But keep whining how women never truly struggle or have issues, nah.

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Now take faggots into account and polyamorous couples and cheaters.

you're just insufferable try being less womenly

>girl has men pursuing her
>she's a femcel
Nobody said women don't get bullied, retard, but she's certainly not a femcel. That label is reserved for only the most hideous and mentally ill women.

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There are 1,033 males per 1000 females, that's a negligible ratio.


lol and what about rich divorced old fucks with kids who aim at 20 yo girls. It's all fucked

I was the only one who ever persued her because I texted her on the internet out of the blue.

All others just bullied her and never actually approached with an offer.

In EU it's 7% more males than females. jakubmarian.com/male-to-female-sex-ratio-by-country-in-europe/. And we let in millions of male immigrants during the last 10 years

If you have people pursuing you/people who have pursued, you're not an incel, regardless of whether you're a male/female. Also, she has people (you) pursuing her without her even trying to go out and find people to date. This doesn't happen if you're an incel. Plus if she even actually wanted a partner, there'd be dozens and dozens of men who'd be happy to fit that role. They're just not in her class or whatever where she's already set up as the girl to bully. That's just the privilege of being born a woman.

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Glad to see since yesterdays thread OP Stacy has forced robots to mingle with each other

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Bruh, doesn't that link actually disprove your thesis? There are no places with 1+ male/female ratio. Also

>Although migration does influence the sex ratio, since more migrants in Europe are women than men (usually by around 10% to 20%)

Touch grass

why do you retarded whores go out of your way to pry attention from the socially retarded faggots on this board when the entire fucking internet caters to you.
fembots do not exist, kill yourself, TikTok tourist

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