What is a good excuse for asking my parents for more money lately?

I am a anorexic purging type neet so I end up consuming a bunch of food more than I was before . My dad is well off but he is still really upset with me being too thin and spending more than usual. I usually am honest that I spend it on food but I don't tell him I puke it . What should I tell him I spent it on instead?

Ps I don't spend alot it's just that in comparison to before . Please don't be mad at me I just really like food it is the only thing I enjoy in life everything else is meaningless

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Nyanyan yee

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Tell him that you need money for setting up an onlyfans.

Nooo ree noo ree

Tell him you are addicted to online gambling

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Thanksz but I guess that would also be not a good excuse

Why not just do swimming or jogging so that you can sustain a healthy weight while eating what you like?

Then go to a shrink you fucking idiot. Bulimia must be one of the dumbest mental illnesses out there.

I don't want to be a healthy weight and I am too uw to exercise and it's lame
Bitch for what tleast i have a cool mental illness unlike you methheads reee

use daddys money to seek help.
if you cant do that then youre a waste of resources, as you said food is the one thing you enjoy. you need to repair your bond with food.

I hate you people who actuallybelieve this shit. Current Eating disorder treatment doesn't work it just doesn't the whole treatment industry is a big meme

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>uuu I have body image issues uwu I will pretend to want to turn into an auschwitz prisoner that will show everyone how cool I am
There's nothing cool about bulimia, you end up looking even worse than fat fucking lards, and you wreck your body so when you eventually get over yourself, you'll still end up in poor shape and possibly underdeveloped if you did it during your teenage years. Then you have a much better chance to enjoy fun times with metabolic dysfunction, spontaneous abortions, immune disorders, et cetera. Honestly I wouldn't blame you that much if you at least maintained a weight where you actually look attractive, but you don't, you're blatantly overshooting for no fucking reason, and you know full well you are overshooting.

The fuck you talking about I don't care about being attractive I am too autistic to get a bf anyways

I say it's good, mentally ill like op shouldn't live long lives and be happy anyways :3

I will outlive you ease stupid

Then why are you making yourself throw up and posting pictures of thin naked women? If you just want to eat a lot, you can do the puking less and then you end up with normal bodyweight, it's not exactly complicated shit.
>I am too autistic to get a bf anyways
Yeah sure, you could get a boyfriend in five minutes if you tried, despite being a dumb fucking hoe.

I am not dating some normie which is all the men in my shit small country . Because being underweight is fun I get to have more space and no period and no pimples

Omg why are females so dumb

>no period
Nigger you're already fucking yourself. But yeah, it must be great saving 2-3% space by not having a thin layer of fat on your hips turning you into wide load. Also I sincerely doubt you're not a normalfag or would want an actual not-normalfag boyfriend.

anorexia shit is the most normalfag crap ever. Society puts forward anorexic women as attractive and you just listen and imitate like a dumb fucking cow.

Well it's fun right now isn't that what is important everything else in life is miserable I savor anything that brings me joy. I just said I want a non normie bf wdym?

The fuck I care about attractiveness when again I am lonely as fuck since I am literally an ultrautist being thin hasn't changed that

You need to stop throwing up. I used to be full on bulemic (I last relapsed a month ago but they are far in between now) and my hair was so thin and damaged and my poops were like hard pellets and it fucked up my face I looked so bloated. I've been trying to eat healthier lately and when I get the urge to binge I do it on diet coke and 0 calorie drink packets so my stomach is full. I've actually lost more weight this way than purging. Also it's cheaper than buying food when you look at the mass

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