Humans are capable of such profound cruelty and manipulation, I just can't get over it

Humans are capable of such profound cruelty and manipulation, I just can't get over it.

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Nature is cruel. I mean, a pack of lions will take down like a hippo or whatever and slowly eat it alive, tearing off chunks of flesh until it dies. Imagine the pain and terror.

They are also capable of profound flatulence, get a whiff of this pppPPfFtT

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The lions do not hate, they simply need to eat. Humans hate.

Lions always try to fully kill their prey. The trashing bones and feet are dangerous. They'll even wait with a capped antelope until it's fully dead. With it's neck in their mouth letting them know.
Nature is brutal. Not cruel.
Humans are cruel though. Choosing to inflict as much harm onto individuals.

W-you dirty little fucker.

And some people are too much in touch with their inner child

>Choosing to inflict as much harm onto individuals.
Mostly cause they're insecure and pathetic and not as empathetic as they think

You only live once OP, enjoy it and stay away from the bad things. Learn to laugh at others misfortune instead of being upset by it.

guess I'll leave this board then since there's like psychos on it and shit

They are but they're also capable of the exact opposite. Don't let a few bad apples spoil the bunch, there's more people out there that would like to see you happy than suffer

And? have you never seen a pack of 6 year olds? those little monsters will give hell to the one they see as "different" from the rest.

That's pretty subjective, arguments like that right down to human nature are probably part of the problem too but those arguments are huge phenomenons at this point but anyone can fall for them especially since they're spread like plague.

it can all seem true to, once you're mind fucked then you'll understand, but in the cruelty there's breaks in it so that it's your fault then to choose the idea

idk how people end up psyhcological fucked up is probably the worst of it, then it's just their fault but they're bad people too as well, some peopel go to hell just to make sure it's deeper for the next guy.

people are insanely cruel and non trustworthy

Lions hate. If you wrong a lion they will kill you from hatred just the same.

I guess my point is with all the memes and confirmations ofc you'll judge the negative hook of it in the end, dealing with a manipulative person really wakes you up to what people are about with eachother. It's all more metaphysical and religious than solid but that's after you even get to that point.
It just blows my mind how manipulative people are and how fucked you can be becasue of it. It's a very female vibe but even that is just so people know up from down.

anyway humans will do worse than kill you that's my point and it might be framed as for this or that but it's mostly just becasue they can more than anything reasonable and the real reasons are taken away or added later

anyway I can't get too mad anymore or I'll be dead

Thats why you gotta make friends and have a close circle of positivity. Trust, love, and kindness is all that actually matters.

well it's all relative
what this life does to people is truly horrible
then it might as well be "life is suffering" and people really don't like that as much as they act like they do they're just trying to kill you then.

but i get what nature people are saying it's like what am I doing to life then but those are just old codes they're sort of forced to build with being already manipulated that they are

some peopel enjoy torturing animals, some people enjoy willfully not, some people enjoy blending in, all we really believe in is what's obvious and that's why we're fooled too

the real issue is loss of innocence

don't do drugs

the sad truth is the special snowflake thing, tragedy is normalized because it really is tragic

anyway the world revolves around you so when you change so does everything and that's how deep the manipulation is, a lot of the past 20 years haves just been the issue of enlightenment but then people get it and they don't want it anymore and it's like a woman you're just not worthy of it then, then the blessing is a curse

>Lions hate. If you wrong a lion they will kill you from hatred just the same.

Lions actually hate unfairness. A lion once killed it's friend because he was a Cheetah.