Anyone noticed this?

We've reached ''paradise'' in our society, comfort beyond our ancestor imaginations. And now that we're here, theres nothing to do. It's like we finished the game, and now aimlessly wander the map in a melancholic state.

Attached: 5a763059de768b20d29005fe7c5e1069.jpg (1920x1200, 360.94K)

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Speak for yourself. I enjoy the freedom of idleness.

I agree with both of you. What a strange feel

no that's just a manipulation from politics from the last decade in particular, things are actually really bad and could always improve, the negativity that is constant will not go away because it got it's foot in the door, people will just settle for less for their lifelong arguments and ego
it's simply a way to bully passive aggressively, it's the we reached the magnum opus and we need the wrath of god type thing, but that's always happening it's all just shit you ,fell for, there is no absolute truth, and the system protects itself via illusions in the minds of people so that they're not making real progress and it's just peopel who hate the "paradise" they talk it up only if it helps them hate black people more or something
the "spoiled brat" thing is a very common tool and if you're honest you're never truly making it, you cucked out to say you already did for whatever evil reason or another

But whats there to do? Travel to the stars or create a simulation? It's just more of the same.

no you don't understand the depth of the problem if you're like that I think or you're being a wise cracker there's no real reason to be bored ever, it's from problems and memes or sin even or bad karma, a lot of progress just is not real or has a life expectancy on it, the reason you're not happy is because people wanted power over you then it's just "human nature" and that highway to hell that those arguments lead to
and as much as it is paradise then there's the snake in eden, and the paradise is in your heart as they say and it's a spiritual kingdom not a literal one
the real game is simply so vast peopel artfully give up
I walk outside and it's just infinite I am simply limited by my ego that was intentionally given to me to suffer because they fear me

What the fuck are you talking about? You're just writing word salads now?

>We've reached ''paradise''
>countless men are left alone
>women are """unhappy""" because they can't get the top
Nice P*A*R*A*D*I*S*E

I remember going through this phase lol you are such faggots

Probably a drugfeel refugee on psychedelics or schizo

humanity has not made that much progress and it's relative and the more you have the more you have to lose

you're literally just too bored to read even though you're completely idle because it's about ego and it's because more than pulling the wool over my eyes it's about self deception you simply have not seen the dark side of things if you think it's paradise and not just ready to be hell if one thing goes slightly wrong

and the level to which your life can be made into a horrible joke is not to be underestimated
but playing gta5 if you've never been outside can give you a feel perhaps, on a psyhcological/spiritual level there's so much at work with people

...but it is a paradise though depending on how liberal you want to get, when you correct for certain things then it's a total paradise

but my point as well is it's simply not supposed to be a paradise, there's supposed to be darkness otherwise there's no power, could someone do drugs and end up in the real paradise? Probably but we're in a lower form of the paradise imo, might as well call it a utopia and all kinds of things as well except that you kind of know it isn't for some reason.

No nothing can get better for vast majority. We are poor and if we act outside the governments game rules we get locked up or killed. We will never enact any kind of real change.

Just because there's an effectively infinite number of problems to solve doesn't mean you will vibe with any of them. And we're all limited severely by where we were born and what economic class we are a part of. Also it depends how completely lucky you are when it comes to day-to-day interactions.

We are living in a rotting corpse. I mean that in every possible meaning and interpretation aside from the very literal one

No we are a algorithm being run by the universe to determine what it is. We are the universe. We have no control of anything yet we are slaves to the algorithm, DNA, emotions, suffering.

>don't even get to have sex
>perpetually sexually frustrated
>this is paradise
Please fucking kill yourself I'd rather go back to 1400 if it meant I had a wife

in my particular psychological prison idk what to tell you, once you start thinking thoughts dictate reality something will try to change things through you and then your problems get more complicated
it could be paradise but I'm not in paradise, with the dominance hierarchy talk, all that thing does is protect itself, it's the dominant illusion but through human souls fake things become real and with trolls you realize they just want it to be negative things that are real and yolo for whatever time that is based on the super logical system that is life and I realized because I've been fucked with so much that I'm probably never going to hit the nail on the head basically and maybe that's my joke and then there's the mass manipulation like with "esl" even and it's all meant to be I realized and people are part of a collective madness that they should free themselves from before it's too late, and like with conservatives a lot of it is fake freedom to get you. American freedom for instance is more like from a wide range of things even just having money makes you more free for instance.

What am I saying? A lot of strange ideas formed on the internet and spread that way and ofc like the snake in eden we reach for the chaos that is used for power over humanity and ofc it's presented as freedom, more than big things it's little things as well you have to be concerned with.

basically you can end up in schizo hell if you let people do it to you, a lot of suffering comes from understanding and feelings of powerlessness

Also they make the game at least appear fair so that you absolutely know you absolutely lost and in life it all happens in real time for the effects, you never know what you're being set up for. through drugs though a lot of people realize how crazy this whole thing is and like with religion a lot of peopel giving peopel drugs is just to make them not atheists and it's just a form of dominance as well, you have to really be careful in life especially if you know evil people

in a way though i can see how through "sacred' things a program is set up that might hold humanity back and religious peopel hate transhumanist thought for instance then you become retarded just trying to understand them and so on but most peopel are dumb or dishonest, a lot of peopel exist just to remind you that if they can break something they will and they'll torment you for bargaining power for that across time

I stopped reading after you saying your thoughts dictate reality. No we live in a deterministic universe this is all just an algorithm playing out. Energy flows in a specific way in the universe to subjective.