Kissless virgin

>kissless virgin
>keep thinking that I'm 17 or something so it's not that bad
>remember that I'm actually 24 and only getting older

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Do something to improve your life or you're always going to be stuck like this. Stop ruminating and do fucking something or else you're going to regret it.

you got fucking idea how far shitposting can get you my fren

Im 28 and have the mentality of being a highschooler.
Is right, i wish i had started learning a skill sooner.

Okay dude, looking forward to still seeing you on this board in 10 years, when you can't even relate to the people here anymore.
You can lament over how you wish you'd started sooner but you have to start now. Best time to plant a tree is 10 years ago, second best time is now, etc

I'm graduating from a master's degree this month, and I've been involved with a sport with a lot of women this year.
Whatever rights of passage there are just haven't happened yet, and I don't think the will at this rate.

Falling into a doomer mentality just makes them even less likely to happen.

What other mentality is there at this point?
I missed the starting gun. No woman in her mid or late-20s is going to have the patience to put up with someones as inexperienced as I am.
Sure, if I really put the work in I could become a tenured professor, maybe even compete on a high level for my sport, but I daresay I'd still feel like a child on account of never having a gf.

I mean, you can say all day that "no woman" is going to be willing to do that but that isn't necessarily true. It's okay to be inexperienced. Some people like that. It's just tough (but worthwhile) to find the right person.

>It's okay to be inexperienced. Some people like that.
And they're all men
Women don't even like 18 year old virgins let alone 24 year old virgins. All they can think is that there's something wrong with you.

This is a generalization. I can understand why you think this way, but not everyone is going to be put off by you being inexperienced.

Not everyone would refuse to date a burn victim either but the odds of you finding a woman who would are slim to none so there's no point even holding out for it

27 khhv, it fucking SUCKS.

>remember that I'm actually 24 and only getting older
its already over brother

>kissless virgin
>keep thinking that I'm 17 or something so it's not that bad
>remember that I'm actually 30
My mind froze when I graduated high school
I'm such a fucking failure

This place is an echo chamber where people are only affirming what you already believe.
You are actually insane if you think that being inexperienced at 24 is the equivalent of being a severe burn victim. You could find someone that was into you but you'd be so brainwashed by this mentality that your insecurities would make you write it off and you would fail to pursue it.

>echo chamber

I hate to admit but I relate with this. I'm starting to surprise myself whenever I look in the mirror and see such an old guy staring back at me.

What's the point in losing hope? There are more people than you'd think in their 20s that haven't lost their virginities.

To be clear I'm not OP
And the point is that even though someone may be fine with your defect, the odds of you meeting that person are extremely low because most people aren't that tolerant. Especially now when women have so many options before they have to start settling for adult virgins.
>This place is an echo chamber where people are only affirming what you already believe.
user there's literally no place or community that doesn't affirm the belief that women hate virgins. Twitter does it, Facebook does it, Tiktok does it, variety television does it, movies do it, the girls in your dorm do it, the girls from the high school you went to do it, your sister does it. The only people who don't seem to do it are the ones who come here insisting women are totally fine with virgins despite all evidence to the contrary. There's a reason "small dick" and "virgin" are their two most ubiquitous insults.

>There are more people than you'd think in their 20s that haven't lost their virginities.
almost all men
and a lot of them will stay that way

I'm autistic but I don't understand the mentality of just because "most" women think this way, that it's a reason to lose hope entirely.

A lot of the people who do things like this are shallow. I wouldn't want to be with someone who acted like this regardless.

Because "most women" are your dating pool. You can't filter out women who hate virgins, all you can do is approach "most women" and pray you find the unicorn who doesn't mind. And that gets demoralizing extremely fast

Yeah I'm not denying the demoralizing factor of this. I understand how it can be frustrating and a hit to your self esteem. I just enjoy believing in the good in people, and in trying despite the odds. That's not to say that I'm expecting OP to tirelessly be on the prowl for women, but to have other things to fill his time while being open to things.