To racist robots...what made you racist?

To racist robots...what made you racist?

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mainstream liberal culture did by being racist of whites so i had to learn self defense racism

You're giving me flashbacks to self defense genocide.

stupid nigress couldnt stop being a bitch. lied to my entire family in front of my face. the only reason i havent stomped on her head is because of my brother

I think for me it was definitely my parents.. I had a black friend whose father was half-German and half-Ethiopian. When I explained that he was German to my parents, they both started laughing hysterically saying "no way, he's black!". In my experience most nigs here in America are fine, but there are some that really do chimp out and act foolish. Same with Jews

i don't understand why it isn't acknowledged that in black communities, people are EXTREMELY racist. like blacks are the most racist people i've been around by a large margin. i'm convinced this whole thing is some massive tragic comedy engineered by the people who control media outlets

Statistics, history, and pattern recognition.

Working with them mostly. Like I get that manual labor sucks and is most people'd last resort but do you have to be so lazy that you make everyone work harder and be more miserable to compensate? every white person, no matter how lazy, still did more than the average nigger

The reason why white people get shamed so much for racism is because people out for power use it as a political tool to gain power(Thanks democracy) and because white people are more prone to the moral whims of the majority.

this picture is unironically cute is there any more art of them? where is it from?

some webcomic featuring the black girl skyla or skylar (I forget) as she happy-go-luckys through life making friends with anyone

i kinda like it

blacks are incredibly lazy workers and will cheat at every possible opportunity, every one of them i've worked with has been this way
i get that but what i meant is like, this whole thing claiming blacks can't be racist MUST have been a cover for how incredibly racist they actually are; no other escape would have worked

The sheer amount of NIGGERED.COM shit everywhere, every single advertisement, every single movie, even real life every couple I see is basically NIGGEREDRAW.COM video

It's heckin wholesome Skyla

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I went to a small rural elementary school that was by the rez. Lots of native kids went there obviously, was always taught the kumbaya we are all the same shit. But Through experience I learned that the native kids were not the same as kids who looked like me. They tended to be dumber and more violent. Some were alright but the majority had some type of problem. In fact as I got older I realized that all the native kids I knew who I thought were more normal were also more mixed with white. The natives also got special treatment at the school I went to, they got tons of extra help and got to leave class to go do interesting things constantly. I do believe a lot of their issues are do to their past treatment by whites but I also believe there is a genetic component. In some ways I feel sorry for them.

I wouldn't have self identified as a racist until I was a teenager though, thats when I learned about white replacement and such. Its unfortunate but ethnocentrism is the winning strategy and if you refuse to play using that strategy for moral reasons you will lose. I mean there is a reason we evolved to be ethnocentric.

the ads on youtube are just constant black empowerment bullshit too it's absolutely insufferable

Of all the races to hate, and you choose to hate Based Injun Chads. What the fuck.

native kids can be asshole I know what he's talking about

never said I hated them. In fact I feel for them. They just made me racist since I could see clear differences in appearance and behavior between whites and them. So when people would tell me things like "black are like x" and "jews behave like y" I tended to beleive them contrary to what my teachers were teaching me.

You Canadian too? Or you from the states?

Jewish behavior and nigger behavior.

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I am not canadian, it's probably worse in canada

The black kids at my elementary school. Those assholes were racist fucks. Agressive too. And stupidly proud of getting beaten up with a belt, not like us sheltered white kids. One of the black girl even attacked me out of nowhere in PE. Couldn't defend myself because then I'd be known as the guy who hits girls. Couldn't let her hit me because then I'd been known as the punching bag. Had to clown her while backing off to keep face. I've never had those types of experience with any other race.

interesting, I'm white and middle class but my parents beat my ass too kek

living among the offending races my entire life
women of any race are way worse to be honest

black kids being badly behaved, antagonistic, etc.