I cried today because of how badly I wish I was allowed to dress like a woman

I cried today because of how badly I wish I was allowed to dress like a woman.

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honey. you are entitled to dress however you like

Nothing's stopping you from wearing a skirt you weirdo

you're lovely for reminding OP of their freedoms as a human

I grew up in a christian household and my mother has told me repeatedly that males who wear women's clothing are disgusting abominations that should be put to death. I can only imagine how many millions of other people feel the same. I don't want to be disgusting.

i cried today because of how badly i wish i physically had the biology of a woman

Wear a kilt then faggot

One, wear a kilt or that dress that men in Saudi wear. Two, why do you need your mother? Does she financially support you? You can just cut her off.

Why? Womens biology is awful and seems designed to inflict pain and inconvenience on them. You can be a futa which seems great

Get a manicure, get your middle fingers painted a glossy pink color, wear the faggiest crop top fishnet leggings you can, and stick your finger up at your rotten hag progenitor when she gives you, a grown man with his own agency, shit for having a fucking sexual kink

Holy fuck grow some testicles

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I do that too but I try not to think about it.

That's not women's clothing.

I don't need her, but having those messages beaten into me throughout my entire life means that if I think about doing something like wearing a dress or putting on makeup I get flooded with so much, guilt, shame, and embarrassment that it causes me actual physical pain and I get an enormous headache and my chest feels tight and I just feel like the worst monster on planet earth.

>thats not womens clothing
Its a fuckin skirt
Unless youre on some hillside in Scotland its womens clothing

im sorry you were put through that ;/
i hope you know ive been in a similar situation and what helped me overcome my guardians heavy words was to buy clothes and wear them in private. it was so liberating. fast foward three years later, im going on dates in the clothes i want to wear with makeup too. there are people out there who love you user, like me

>I cried today because of how badly I wish I was allowed to look like a spartan II.

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>I don't need her,
Then you are literally the cause of your own problems retard. I am glad that she crippled you, you don't deserve to live a full life if you are so afraid.

Put one on in private in the mirror. I know your mom said all sorts of kooky things but at the end of the day it's literally just an article of clothing. It's not like you're sucking a dick or cutting your balls off. It's putting on a damn costume in your own house for fun. We invented clothing styles. God doesn't give a shit.

>You can be a futa
how can i be a futa?
and futa have mostly women's biology

>I try not to think about it.
i can't help but think about it

Probably just take estrogen to grow breasts and you're there

sure but how do i change my male skeleton or the fact that my brain and body were masculinized

but hrt to feminize sounds nice

Why not rent a cheap hotel room and do all your trooning out there? You can take all your little faggy pictures in peace.

i'm not that user, but trooning out is the only reason i give a shit about my career and my job
trying to make enough money to not have to depend on others so i can do this in peace

Well estrogen actually expands your hips so it changes your skeleton. Women naturally get exposed to varying amounts of testosterone growing up also so you wouldn't really be that different

>expands your hips so it changes your skeleton
maybe if i were younger
but i've already been fucked up by androgens

Based frens

Do what you want op. I bet you're a cutie!

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I could just do it at home. I just don't know how to not experience the overwhelming tidal wave of self-hatred from wanting to do this. The closer I get to actually doing something like buying a dress, the more overwhelming and painful the mental block feels.

i wish i was born a girl but every time the thought pops into my head i ignore it with self hate and escapism.

You can love yourself without being a girl

nah. i'm pretty objectively ugly and retarded, also old now. so i'm screwed no matter what and too old to actually achieve anything in life.

You are OP, fuck what your mother thinks, do what you like. However, despite the optimism of this thread don't be surprised if a future girlfriend or lover calls you a faggot when they find out.
Pick the clothing you want to wear, get it delivered or you can even go out and go thrifting or some shit. Is this a kink for you?

It's not a kink for me. My kink is girls being bossy and mean to me.

Objective doesn't matter, it only matters how you feel, because that is your reality. You can feel better right now, if you choose. You have value user, but I don't need to tell you that. Fuck society, don't do anything to make it's evil easier

sex with user while he wears my sister's clothes