Could acid be used to prevent future school shooters?

Could acid be used to prevent future school shooters?

Attached: acid.jpg (960x617, 80.59K)

That's fucking stupid. Acid is what made me racist in the first place

>takes drug notorious for providing you a new perspective
>refuses to believe there is any rational way someone could have a different perspective on the world

i fucking hate that retarded communist so much. i got pulled over by cops while tripping and the car reeked of weed and there was cocaine. i talked my way out of it and drove home.

Isn't acid what made Charles Manson go fucking crazy?

what your description fails to mention is that right wing thought is literally based on the repression of different perspectives and lifestyles. it's one thing to be intolerant. it's totally different to be intolerant of intolerance.

>alt right pipeline
as in he was about to get piped by a line of men?
He just wants to destroy the brains of kids by giving them drugs don't think that isn't what it is.
Also don't forget that he's literally saying "in order to genuinely hold left wing beliefs, you must take drugs that decouple you from reality.
I only believe the left wing things I believe because drugs changed my brain"

AKA lefties are braindead retards..

>take a drug known to help you have deep, meaningful, and sometimes even life changing epiphanies
>"damn bruh the cops are actually bad frfr no cap"

Liberals and commies really are incapable of thinking deeply.

White right-wingers will tell a story about how they got pulled over by police when they were obviously high and in possession of drugs and got away with it by just being polite, but still become fucking deranged when you suggest maybe this implies police are racist.

mad because nigger

>Could acid be used to prevent future school shooters?
No, pussy could though

It's so funny how quickly right-wingers will drop the act and proudly proclaim the police are racist when they're anonymous. Fucking cowards.


>implies police are racist
As they should be

Smelly baboon nigger

wtf is he talking about opinionated jackasses would be the first ones to go in a society without cops

you're the one asserting they are, and it's not like institutionalized racism is a bad thing anyway, just don't want people who ape out.

remember those fucking riots where all those niggers when looting stores? LOL maybe give them all acid bruv

>remember those fucking riots where all those niggers when looting stores?

>Hey look, our wretched, uneducated underclass is committing crimes! Can you imagine that? After all we did for them?
>We should oppress them further and deny them more rights and see if that helps.

In-group out-group fascist stupidity. They're your fellow citizens and what happens to them can happen to you. Do you think the oligarchs give two fucks about you? They just like you divided and angry.

>hate cops
>like psychs
>still racist
simple. as.

rioting and stealing is wrong, they should have been gunned down with assault rifles and tommyguns

>if you don't view cops as the bad guys you're "alt right"
Err, wut

>We should oppress them further and deny them more rights and see if that helps
No, we should completely remove them from our society, as diversity only leads to infighting and societal decay.

>I exposed an open racist as a secret racist, oh wow OWNED
Euthanasia is the only option

>the drug used on Ted kaczynski, Charles Manson, and Whitey Bulger
yeah sure

To be intolerant is to be outspoken. To be intolerant of intolerance is to be a tyrant

Cops are just niggers with badges