Autistic people are at least as social as the common population...

Autistic people are at least as social as the common population. The idea that "autism" hinder social skills is a myth designed by organizations like Autism Speaks to dehumanize and weaken autistic people into extinction.

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Not true or you'd be able to get a girlfriend because personality is more important. The reason autists think personality is just a cope is because they don't have personality either.

If you saw the video,I mentioned double empathy. Autistic people can communication with other autistic people just fine which is why autistic people would be able to build a pretty neat civilization if we just had each other.

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I was just wondering about this actually cause I read the thread that another user posted about working in a restaurant for 1 hour and getting such bad anxiety that he puked. I wonder if autists would get anxiety around other autists or r9k posters who weren't autistic like myself?

I also wonder r9k autists would be uncomfortable having a drink with me at the bar and shooting the shit with me, even though i am a 6'3 social chad.

1.Autistic people don't socialize the exact same way as everyone else.

2. ABA (And everything like it),over-urbanization, and again, double empathy hinders our mental state.

I assure you, I am not just as social as normal people.

It may seem that way because of double empathy, along with many other non-neurodevelopmental factors.

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Meanwhile in the very next thread

Autistic people are actually the members of society that chose not to be corrupted, either because of higher intellect or unusual personal circumstances

Women are the social-autistic types. Men tend to just kinda kill themselves or go ballistic.

Maybe because woman are more likely to mask and less likely to be diagnosed (Avoiding ABA)

I've found autistic people are more likely to be friendly and good natured while neurotypicals tend to be actively manipulative and never say what they mean. My closest friends have been autistic
I think normies have realized this and that's why they give themselves all these labels of mental illness just so they can pretend they're just like us

Deserving of a (you), I agree.

Indeed! I hate it when people say that we're asocial, but at the same time, it's okay because we can design Iphones.

I agree, but if you have to live with normies, then you are going to need social skills finally tuned to them.

>we can design iphones
No you can't, and youre statistically likely to die childless, unmarried, and 30 years sooner than everyone else because you're too retarded to take care of yourself.

that's obviously bait user.

Please stop infantilizing us. We are the caretakers, and we only need fellow autistics. I'd almost say being autistic alone shouldn't be enough to be considered disabled receive SSI (As such legality lowers our prestige) but it might provide material advantages.

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I think his point is that we should have am autistic society.

Yeah, but how is that going to happen? Autists are not some ethnic group you can reliably just continue from breeding together.

So? Jewish people were also in a diaspora, and a large chunk of them eventually united into Israel. Why can't autistic people at least make a society?