Femanon general - /fat/

for femanon to discussing life, kitchen appliances and weight loss tactics.

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Finally a place where I can talk about my new microwave

show tits retards

Can i see yours? Thanks in advance

I am a man and I am invading your feminine space
my penis will also be invading your feminine space now

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holy fuck did i underestimate metabolism.

used to eat junk food and dicks all day longs in my teens, now i'm struggling to keep the weight off with my lean cuisines.

competing with these young mf's that respawn like roaches and are so perky and just happy to be alive...shits tough. maybe not as tough as being NEET male but tough

dayum, that picture is nearly as old as me.

np lets trade you go first

i wish there i could find a bf on this board who would treat me like a queen.

going on a date with a hot guy from tinder tonight. super nervous about it all, wish my luck femsisters

try not being a tranny its actually really easy to do this as a bio woman

good luck. remember to text a friend if you stay over his.

Not a femanon but I was in a courthouse back in 2017 and a judge took away both my dishwashers

how the hell is it so easy for you? i've been trying for ages with no luck

Good luck femanon, have fun. Remember not to take any shit from him and you can always move onto the next

I wish i could find a femoid that i could treat it as a slave

and i took this personally

no one:
not one single soul:

this incel: *french accent* to discussing le kitchen appliance hon hon hon hon

just show hole and never feel the need to speak and there u go u have 1 bf

Damn what an asshole. Hope you had a third

Has anyone found a findom sugar daddy on the internet? Pretty funny guys like that exist but why not