Saw this and instantly knew what I had to do

Saw this and instantly knew what I had to do.
How do I stop nutting buckets to shit like this?
I'm still throbbing, think I'm going to go again even. Probably to the source if i can find it

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>Saw this and instantly knew what I had to do.
The answer here should have been to fucking kill yourself, oxygen thief

>oxygen thief
lord user u just murdered that poor fellow, i mean a cuck's a cuck, but u didn't have to do him like that :'))

also that's just for u mate

As per usual fpbp
All numale cucking roasties will be beaten senseless by every able-bodied poster on the board

couldn't agree more
and you're the newest of the new if you haven't heard that before.

I have been building up the courage to talk to a nice girl, she seems really nice, polite and kind.

She now has a boyfriend, he's rude and aggressive and doesn't say please or thank you and swears a lot. He's horrible.

Yesterday I witness her giving him a sandwich she had made for him. I feel sick.

I give up on women, they covet the most repulsive behaviour in men, like a rat merrily eating sewage.

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Okay but does anyone have the source?

Based roastie. Fuck orbiters and numale simps
I hope she stays with him when he beats her and you have to take care of his kid.

I wont touch her user, she is tainted beyond belief now, I am repulsed by her, not even sad, just sickened.

Literally every woman has cheated at least once these days.

don't spend much time on robot, i usually lurk wsg, don't take much time to read the messages so u might call me a midfag if u want

fucking brutal man, i feel for you.
get into a car accident

You fucking cuck lmao

Women don't mind a little roughness if it comes with confidence and competence. When shit unavoidably hits the fan, she trust that he will be able to handle himself and keep her safe. Nice guys look like they'd crumble under any sort of pressure. Very unattractive, much more than the swearing.

Like, you literally had to build courage just to talk to her. How are you gonna deal with anything bad coming your way? Him being the way he is gives her a safe space to be feminine and make him sandwhiches.

please heed the words of this wise sage

If she sees roughness as strength she will expose her children to it and suffer from it with domestic violence.

If she needs a strong man, meaning she sees herself as weak, meaning she is really the weak one

Why would I want a weak woman who would expose her children to such a man if say she broke up and remarried another thug.

She's trash, I dodged a bullet.

Women unironically want to be abused on some level. It's the most fucked up realization I ever had to come to.

>domestic violence
I guess not saying please and thank you, and swearing is violence now, lmfao.

>If she needs a strong man, meaning she sees herself as weak, meaning she is really the weak one
Women are the weaker sex. If you don't see that, you'll at best end up with a feminist. Good luck on getting those sandwhiches then.

>She's trash, I dodged a bullet.
The fox and the grapes, lmfao.

>an incel thinks he actually had a chance because he says please and thank you

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>I'm a nice guy!!! Why do all the women go for jerks!!

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so sick of all this one dimensional thinking, touch grass

Why is it fucked up? Lol you guys are ridiculous. It is all about sexual attraction. Women find roughness and abuse hot, and there's nothing wrong with it. You cry because you're a huge pussy that wants to "be polite" when girls literally go for abusers and prisoners.

Yes, if you want to fuck you gotta be abusive. I don't see anything wrong with it. You can't give me any rational explanation for being against rudeness and abuse
>b--but the kids
Nobody cares. No one is fucking to procreate in 2022. When it happens it is an accident.

Yes, be rude, be strong, be a little abusive. This is how you make and keep women attracted to you. You don't like it? Go fuck yourself. Abuse and roughness are signs of competence. If people see you as nice, it's because you're weak.