Females flirting

A female gave me hints apparently. But what could I do ? She will be a feminist, will need money, will give problems,... and there is no hope. Even if we had our chance with women, females and especially western are spoiled. What future in this life and society do we look for ? And what future with woman ?
>she likely isn't spiritual
>body count
>feminist (for abortion and feels very conservative if she criticize a bit of their retoric)
>uninteresting, not smart
>revealing clothes with no style
>not good in any art
>no charisma once you get to know her
>unstable psycho who give problems like all women
>no family, no money, no opportunity she can give her future husband (yes, like with everything listed above, men have to make all the work, her familly situation isn't even a possible help for carrer or whatever)
>parents divorced, likely no assets
>You will have to pay and you will get a used up body. Nothing higher in women these days.
And I'm supposed to answer hints in public transport ? Likely being shamed ?

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The neurotic, affeminate man of the XXI century. Overthinks it all to save himself from disappointment, will die miserable anyway.

Dude you sound utterly irredeemable.

Who's the first, the egg of the chicken ? The effeminate man or the effeminate/whatever society ? None of what I said is false though.

Explain yourself please ? Because that's pretty obvious I said it was irredeemable. I literally said there is no hope.

>Explain yourself please ?
You're a piece of shit uber-doomer with horrifically twisted worldviews, even by this board's standards.

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What wordview ? Too conservative ? How exactly ? And how is that horrific ? You sound like a white knight


There's a difference between being a conservative dude who wants tradwomen and living in pure narcissistic delusion. It's evident that you view yourself as superior to every random female you encounter irl.

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That's precisely what I said in Op... I said they are far too low and listed some of the reasons. I'm not a cuckservative so yes I have real standards (though I don't now since I have no hope), also because why would I choose this one or this one if they are all the same untasteful shit ?

>A female gave me hints apparently. But what could I do ?
If you like her ask her on a date. Stop thinking about it, and stop posting here.

Once a brahmin visiting Europe told me that by getting a western girlfriend you get 24 of her problems, because these women have no family. I have no hope here and I don't think I will anywhere

It was a random woman in the bus stop. What could I have said ? How can I know if I like her ? She had modern cloth, not a good style, maybe I could have liked her But why go through the shame when you know the listed above facts ? Why this random no style one and not another one ? (no woman have any style nowadays)

Also why go through the shame and humiliation to purchase western women ?

I see. If it was a random encounter with a stranger that changes a lot, and I should pay more attention to context, sorry. Still, you could take the initiative in future and approach women who give you signals.

Thanks for the advice. I did some times, even without hints : never concluding for the listed above reasons. I'm sorry for making this thread. There is this irritating thing about women : they claim to love, display desire and forms, but in fact make it impossible to love them, they don't want to make love possible. As if it was just parody, and in reality they never loved men. I think they just love to be loved.

You can find a woman who will meet you on your level, 50/50. She will want you and that's how you know it's right. Don't settle for less.

Thank you user, that's kind of you. I will try forgetting women as much as I can. Though. I don't have hope, and I suffer because I'm losing the hope that I could make abstraction from that

>>be desperate user.
>>woman wants you.
>>deploy autism.
>>overthink it.
>>don't pump & dump.
>>Complain on internet instead.

I'm dissapointed in you, user. What are you even doing with yourself?

You don't have to give up on women at all. I struggle with similar thoughts these days but it's only because I have become reclusive. Find a way to get out there and socialise. Be around lots of people and talk to them. An extroverted friend helps a lot. Observe him, if you have one. Watch how they work. In general, they just speak to many people and show confidence. That's hard but it's how it seems to work. Extroverts rule the social world; befriend them, follow them.

Lucky you, pathological genius. You know it all, have seen into every possibility and timeline, all realities accounted for. Must be lonely at the top, knowing all members of the female sex are just a set of properties, checkboxes, algorithms waiting to be triggered. You are no longer a man, you are a thinking, observing machine and will die alone.

Okay user, I know I failed again... I just try to progress as a person and spiritualy, women are a trick.
I would not pump and dump though. That may also be why approaching for nothing would make no sense

I don't want to lose myself though. I go to spiritual places, I don't have an extrovert friend, I can be too but I'm focused on spirituality and study. Maybe doing a pilgrimage, I don't know