Post if you were stressed as a child, and how tall you are

>chronically stressed since childhood

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7 inches
Just need that extra 0.5 man

I've pretty much lived in a state of high baseline anxiety since I was around 12 or so. You can see it in my behavior. Nail biting, biting the skin off my lips, and allowing small things to ruin my days. Only time I feel truly comfy is when I have zero responsibilities or I'm on drugs. I'm 6'2 (188 cm)

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Were you stressed during childhood?

Yeah, I got bullied pretty heavily
Teachers and parents thought I was a retard
Turns out it was just because I was so much smarter than the rest of the kids that school work and the kids were so boring to me that I acted out like a cocky attention seeking little shit and they hated me for that

>yeah pretty much
>176cm (5'9)

>Nail biting, biting the skin off my lips,
This and clenching and grinding my teeth all the time, even when asleep. I stopped growing at like 13-14 and am 5'9.

Op here, honestly thought there'd be more correlation. Maybe it'd be best to also post your parents height? Though who knows, maybe their growth was also stunted by stress at an early age so that might not be a good indicator either.

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>bullied, hated school, hate confrontation

Attached: me.jpg (380x500, 35.22K)

>maybe their growth was also stunted by stress at an early age so that might not be a good indicator either
So long as you aren't malnourished, your height is 99% genetic.

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I'm pretty sure your pseudo science theory is just bullshit. as far as I know, the only thing stress takes from you is your hair and your sanity

Yes I was, from about the age of 11 or so I've had body image problems along with anxiety, depression, sleep deprived, etc. My parents also divorced right when I was hitting puberty (which is the worse timing for that studies have shown). I grew up to be 6'1 - 6'2, with most of the height occurring before I turned 17.

If your question is "does stress/anxiety stunt growth" I'm gonna go on a limb and say not heavily. I'm about my dad's height give or take.

Height has nothing to do with stress during childhood because height really only becomes a factor in late puberty

before age 9 not stressed
after age 9 very stressed
i am 6ft2 188cm

Perhaps. I'm just curious

Very stressed and unhappy. I had some awful tics as a kid which people used to mock me for, even my own family. I was bullied quite severely for a time too. I'm 6'1 and grew up to be a deeply lonely person. 32 now, no friends, no gf, live alone, no family within 1000 miles.

>everyone in this thread save me and the other guy is 6'+
Okay, maybe not the most random sample. What are the chances of this? In the US only 15% of men are over 6' iirc. Unless all of you are from the netherlands

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>grow up in daily domestic abuse
>get cancer at 3
>practically no friends by hs
>no gfs
>still 6'3"

I'm Australian
Also unsnipped

interesting enough (me) is in the usa

>i definitely was

>"parental death and divorce during early childhood was associated with shorter adult height, and later puberty."

A good friend of mine lost his mother at age 10, he grew up to be 6'0 (with his father being about 5'8 - 5'9 for reference). He also has a younger brother who was 8 when she died, and he grew up to be at least 6'2+.

I'm an American. The average height of Americans is skewed downwards by the large population of Mexicans. The majority of this board is white Zoomers and Zoomers seem to be taller than previous generations.

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When did he hit puberty? That'd be an interesting question

For white american men the average height is 5'11? Well, zoomers as you said. Makes sense then.

Who knows, maybe if you guys weren't stressed early on you would be giga giants towering at 6'6 :)

>"overall we found no significant association with family disruptions during later childhood and either puberty or height"
TLDR; unless your mother died before you were 8 you're COPING

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horrible anxiety