Is living alone and not having to deal with family worth like $1000 a month or whatever rent costs?

is living alone and not having to deal with family worth like $1000 a month or whatever rent costs?

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I think it'll be worth $257,000 in 10 years.

>rent costs $1,000
kek. more than double that

yes absolutely. it's so peaceful. and you can invite girls back, they'll be quite impressed that you live alone

As a guy who had to live at home until 26, yes. Yes it fucking is dude. It's worth twice that desu. Simply

>being able to cook your own meals,
>not be nagged,
>not be bothered,
>not have people complain that you 'didnt include them' when you order food,
>not having people criticize everything you do,
>not having people tell you to help them with something and yell at you when you dont do it right
>jerk off when you want
>can bring girls over if you become normalfag
>can play music as loud as you want
>no one's shoes or laundry but yours
>leave when you want
>no one asks you to tell them where you are going when you go on road trip
>bring friends over as long as you want
>can put your guns where you want
>can decorate how you want
>can own whatever pets you want

I dont think i need to continue

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its more than than usually but yes its very nice living alone. it can be hard to clean, cook, look after your own place at first and still is a lot of work years later but the privacy you gain is worth the effort.

Yeah. I'm moving out to attend a vocational program in a few months and will be paying $980 per month. If you love your family and have a career, stay with them to save money. If your family is an issue, move out and don't have roommates. Paying far more rent is worth being spared the insanity of having rooommates.

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lmao, apartment shills ITT. no, i will NOT fill your vacancy

if you like going outside and having sex, yes. If you're a gamer, no.

>going outside

>having sex
no but i bring girls over

Not in the cool and comfy rust belt :-)

this, evert time i go home im reminded of why i left

not yet, not yet. but it will

We won't stop having winters. Smoothbrained coasties and southerners will never learn how to eat carbohydrates and put on more clothes.

Some of them throw a fit when they see a man wearing a scarf because they don't understand it's functional and not just a fashion accessory.

>being able to cook your own meals
do this
>not be nagged, not be bothered
happens a few times a year
>not have people complain that you 'didnt include them' when you order food
never happened once
>not having people criticize everything you do
never happened
>not having people tell you to help them with something and yell at you when you dont do it right
>jerk off when you want
not a problem i barely do it
>can bring girls over if you become normalfag
big if
>can play music as loud as you want
already do this
>no one's shoes or laundry but yours
never been a problem
>leave when you want
same as above
>no one asks you to tell them where you are going when you go on road trip
same as two
>bring friends over as long as you want
can do that now
>can put your guns where you want
guess thats fair
>can decorate how you want
same above
>can own whatever pets you want
you actually cant but this isnt a problem for me now

If you do, consider moving to a city if possible. Staying in the suburbs can be a literal death sentence.

Not to me. Family is annoying but not 1000/month annoying

all you said was that your parents arent annoying and you have slightly different habits to the average autist. the fact of the matter is that autists with annoying parents are irritating for the exact reasons he stated

you are really retarded. enjoy your cortisol brain rot

>complete topic change

Not him, but I'm not surprised to see a namefag being confused this easily. He's saying people won't move to the rust belt because of the cold, which will keep the demand for appartments low, which will keep rent low.

you ARE him and copium, rent will increase everywhere.

Look at the (You)s faggot. Not everyone feels so desesperate for validation as (You) do. Rent may increase everywhere due to inflation, but it won't be nearly as fast in places no one wants to live in.

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